Number of ophthalmic practitioners by local health board (headcount)
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General description
Number (headcount) of ophthalmic practitioners (optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners) in primary care workforce.Data collection and calculation
Figures for optometry workforce refer to the position at 31 December each year for 2019 and all years prior, and refer to the position at 31 March for 2020 and all subsequent years. This is because they are sourced from different systems.For the period up to 2019, figures are sourced from NHS Digital’s publication and reflects practitioners who were authorised by local health boards (LHBs) to carry out NHS funded sight tests, based on data derived from the Central Ophthalmic Payments system.
Data collection from that source ceased, so for 2020 onwards, data has been sourced from the performers list (Ophthalmic List and Ophthalmic Supplementary List), a register of all ophthalmic practitioners able to practise in Wales, maintained by NHS Shared Services Partnership.
Due to the change in data source and reference period for 2020 onwards, data for 2020 onwards are not directly comparable with previous years.
Note for 2023 onwards, totals include unknown gender.