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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Items prescribed and dispensed by BNF chapter and year

Comparison of items prescribed by GPs in Wales and subsequently dispensed in the community in Wales (GP prescriptions) and items prescribed anywhere in the UK and dispensed (PCA data) in Wales

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Click here to sortItems prescribed by GPsItems prescribed by GPs in Wales and dispensed in community pharmacies in Wales or elsewhere in the UK (often referred to as GP prescriptions)Click here to sortItems dispensed in the communityitems prescribed by any prescribing health professionals in the UK that were subsequently dispensed in the community in Wales (often referred to as prescriptions dispensed in the community, or ‘PCA’ data)Click here to sortItems prescribed by GPsItems prescribed by GPs in Wales and dispensed in community pharmacies in Wales or elsewhere in the UK (often referred to as GP prescriptions)Click here to sortItems dispensed in the communityitems prescribed by any prescribing health professionals in the UK that were subsequently dispensed in the community in Wales (often referred to as prescriptions dispensed in the community, or ‘PCA’ data)Click here to sortItems prescribed by GPsItems prescribed by GPs in Wales and dispensed in community pharmacies in Wales or elsewhere in the UK (often referred to as GP prescriptions)Click here to sortItems dispensed in the communityitems prescribed by any prescribing health professionals in the UK that were subsequently dispensed in the community in Wales (often referred to as prescriptions dispensed in the community, or ‘PCA’ data)
Gastro-Intestinal System7,683,2677,716,7067,771,1397,813,4657,841,7227,883,891
Cardiovascular System23,702,09823,730,02123,649,95023,689,17523,533,43023,577,486
Respiratory System6,054,1126,073,8906,159,7786,186,1176,123,4286,156,281
Central Nervous System17,389,03217,666,85017,426,07617,715,03617,459,99017,746,293
Endocrine System8,414,4448,450,1158,855,5698,907,9419,125,5079,184,094
Obstetrics,Gynae+Urinary Tract Disorders2,109,6002,121,4202,170,5952,187,4782,208,4112,226,750
Malignant Disease & Immunosuppression423,904449,753417,100445,436411,683442,220
Nutrition And Blood4,507,9594,578,2324,677,4484,755,9654,824,0724,887,037
Musculoskeletal & Joint Diseases2,323,6322,349,7412,331,9302,361,7772,339,7002,371,640
Ear, Nose And Oropharynx955,678990,2181,003,5481,046,9491,004,3751,053,463
Immunological Products & Vaccines798,571798,580795,911795,936720,052720,099
Preparations used in Diagnosis.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable33
Other Drugs And Preparations71,04968,56277,55774,51078,67575,930
Incontinence Appliances98,80352,977100,71952,408108,68144,000
Stoma Appliances345,481187,078355,075187,666376,654202,084
All items82,837,45983,412,30384,165,12984,845,47284,597,49185,282,040



Comparison of the number of items prescribed and subsequently dispensed in the community (prescriptions by GPs) and items dispensed (PCA data)

Last update

19 September 2024 19 September 2024

Next update

Autumn 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Prescribing Services, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Data on prescriptions prescribed by GPs in Wales and dispensed.

Data collection and calculation

GP Prescription data (NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership).

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2013-14 onwards

Users, uses and context

See associated Statistical Release for detailed notes, background and definitions.



Statistical quality

See associated Statistical Release for detailed notes, background and definitions.