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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Prescriptions by exemption category and measure

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

MeasureThe statistics cover all prescriptions dispensed by community pharmacists (including supermarket pharmacies), appliance contractors and dispensing doctors in Wales including items personally administered.  The vast majority are written by General Medical Practitioners in Wales; however prescriptions written by nurses, dentists and hospital doctors are also included provided they were dispensed in the community. Also included are prescriptions written in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man but dispensed in Wales. The analyses do not include prescriptions written in Wales but dispensed outside Wales. [Filter]
[Collapse]Category 1
Category 2
Click here to sortPrescription forms - numberClick here to sortPrescription forms - per cent of totalClick here to sortPrescription items - numberA prescription item refers to a single item prescribed  on a prescription form. If a prescription form includes three items it is counted as three prescription items.Click here to sortPrescription items - per cent of totalA prescription item refers to a single item prescribed  on a prescription form. If a prescription form includes three items it is counted as three prescription items.Click here to sortNet Ingredient Cost - totalRefers to the cost of the drug before discounts and does not include any dispensing costs or fees. It does not include any adjustment for income obtained where a prescription charge is paid at the time the prescription is dispensed or where the patient has purchased a pre-payment certificate.Click here to sortNet Ingredient Cost - per cent of totalRefers to the cost of the drug before discounts and does not include any dispensing costs or fees. It does not include any adjustment for income obtained where a prescription charge is paid at the time the prescription is dispensed or where the patient has purchased a pre-payment certificate.Click here to sortItems Per FormClick here to sortCost Per Item (£)
[Collapse]Overall total23,925,462100.048,023,391100.0505,166,887.71100.02.010.52
Overall total[Collapse]Total exempt20,530,07785.842,646,99588.8433,322,427.6685.82.110.16
Total exemptNo Declaration108,8470.5227,0560.52,504,722.810.52.111.03
Declaration Unspecified236,3761.0412,9870.94,165,877.270.81.810.09
Under 25 years of age2,142,0889.03,047,9576.324,377,160.394.81.48.00
16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education308,7281.3450,3120.94,619,065.940.91.510.26
60 years of age or over12,308,40351.428,162,88158.6278,086,818.5655.02.39.87
Maternity exemption certificate175,7480.7259,4240.52,170,123.920.41.58.37
Medical exemption certificate1,472,5286.23,218,3376.744,560,
War Pension exemption certificate29,7610.162,0390.1804,674.
Current HC2 charges certificate164,3550.7344,4430.74,059,544.470.82.111.79
Income support2,373,0329.94,745,7249.950,995,121.2210.12.010.75
Income-based jobseeker's allowance213,2430.9356,3290.73,641,719.700.71.710.22
Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC) exemption certificate570,6092.4884,1501.89,376,545.081.91.610.61
Disabled Person's Tax Credit (DPTC) exemption certificate42,4570.283,7230.21,043,104.600.22.012.46
Family Credit9270.01,0720.02,
Disability Working Allowance1050.01180.0271.570.01.12.30
Free-of-charge contraceptives382,8701.6390,4430.82,915,262.690.61.07.47
[Collapse]Total not exempt3,395,38514.25,376,39611.271,844,460.0514.21.613.36
Total not exemptNot Exempt2,302,4019.62,909,0716.139,158,828.457.81.313.46
Prescription pre-payment certificate1,092,0574.62,465,8205.132,662,776.896.52.313.25
Foreign Prescribed9270.01,5050.022,854.710.01.615.19



Hlth0202 NHS prescriptions by exemption category


HSA1, National assembly for Wales


Last Update: 26 August 2004
Was added to StatsWales: 26 August 2004

Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales by: August 2005

Source: GP Prescription data (Prescription Management Services, Health Solutions Wales);

This table provides data on numbers of prescriptions dispensed in the community in Wales by exemption category. The statistics cover all prescriptions dispensed by community pharmacists (including supermarket pharmacies), appliance contractors and dispensing doctors in Wales including items personally administered. The vast majority are written by General Medical Practitioners in Wales; however prescriptions written by nurses, dentists and hospital doctors are also included provided they were dispensed in the community. Also included are prescriptions written in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man but dispensed in Wales. The analyses do not include prescriptions written in Wales but dispensed outside Wales.

