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Data Provider: Welsh Government Management Information Disease prevalence rates by age band and gender (Audit+)

This StatsWales cube shows the age specific prevalence by disease register, i.e. patients of a particular age group on a disease register, as a proportion of all patients of that age group registered at a GP practice.

Click here to sortAsthmaClick here to sortAtrial fibrillationClick here to sortCancerClick here to sortCardiovascular disease - primary preventionClick here to sortChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseClick here to sortCoronary heart diseaseClick here to sortDementiaClick here to sortDepressionClick here to sortDiabetesClick here to sortEpilepsyClick here to sortInfluenzaClick here to sortHeart failureClick here to sortHypertensionClick here to sortLearning disabilityClick here to sortMental healthClick here to sortObesityClick here to sortOsteoporosisClick here to sortPalliative careClick here to sortSmoking (with chronic conditions)Click here to sortRheumatoid ArthritisClick here to sortStroke and transient ischaemic attack
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Aged 15 to data item is not applicable0.00.00.0.The data item is not applicable0.30.2.The data item is not applicable0. data item is not applicable0.00.0
Aged 20 to data item is not applicable0.00.00.0.The data item is not applicable0.70.7.The data item is not applicable0. data item is not applicable0.00.1
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Aged 30 to 346.20.10.4.The data item is not applicable0.00.10.0.The data item is not applicable1.40.8.The data item is not applicable0. data item is not applicable0.20.1
Aged 35 to 396.80.20.7.The data item is not applicable0.10.10.0.The data item is not applicable2.00.8.The data item is not applicable0. data item is not applicable0.30.2
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Aged 45 to 498.60.41.5.The data item is not applicable0.70.90.0.The data item is not applicable5.01.0.The data item is not applicable0. data item is not applicable0.60.6
Aged 50 to 549.10.72.5.The data item is not applicable1.51.80.0.The data item is not applicable7.21.1.The data item is not applicable0.514.80.61.714.40.00.1.The data item is not applicable0.81.2
Aged 55 to 599.11.43.7.The data item is not applicable2.63.20.1.The data item is not applicable9.41.1.The data item is not applicable0.821.00.51.615.10.00.2.The data item is not applicable1.11.9
Aged 60 to 649.42.35.5.The data item is not applicable4.05.20.2.The data item is not applicable12.21.1.The data item is not applicable1. data item is not applicable1.42.7
Aged 65 to 699.54.07.8.The data item is not applicable5.97.70.5.The data item is not applicable14.81.1.The data item is not applicable1.936.40.41.417.90.20.5.The data item is not applicable1.74.1
Aged 70 to 749.26.710.5.The data item is not applicable7.510.41.1.The data item is not applicable16.71.1.The data item is not applicable2.944. data item is not applicable2.05.8
Aged 75 to 799.210.513.0.The data item is not applicable8.813.82.7.The data item is not applicable18.31.1.The data item is not applicable4.452. data item is not applicable2.28.3
Aged 80 to 849.315.514.3.The data item is not applicable9.318.05.7.The data item is not applicable20.21.1.The data item is not applicable6.957. data item is not applicable2.311.5
Aged 85 to 898.420.314.1.The data item is not applicable8.220.69.8.The data item is not applicable20.01.0.The data item is not applicable9.662. data item is not applicable2.014.5
Aged 90 to 947.423.212.9.The data item is not applicable7.021.114.0.The data item is not applicable17.50.9.The data item is not applicable11.463. data item is not applicable1.616.7
Aged 95 and over6.021.79.7.The data item is not applicable5.320.315.8.The data item is not applicable12.90.7.The data item is not applicable12. data item is not applicable1.417.3



Disease prevalence rates by age band and gender (Audit+)

Last update

29 June 2023 29 June 2023

Next update

To be confirmed

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW)

Contact email


Management information

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

The Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework (QAIF) was introduced as part of the General Medical Services (GMS) contract reform for 2019-20. It replaces the Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF), which was originally introduced in 2004 and ceased after 2018-19.

This StatsWales cube provides data on age specific prevalence by disease register, i.e. patients of a particular age group on a disease register, as a proportion of all patients of that age group registered at a GP practice. This is also broken down by gender.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is provided to the Welsh Government by Digital Health and Care Wales.

The age specific prevalence data by gender is sourced separately from Audit+ and is shown as contextual information. Audit+ is a centrally funded analysis tool that is available to GP practices in Wales, and it is non-mandatory which enables a GP practice to choose whether or not to use this analysis tool. Because of this, the data from Audit+ may differ slightly to data sourced directly from QAIF.

For Influenza, the data reflects the target population as defined by FLU001W and FLU002W. The data therefore includes the registered population aged 65 or more and the registered population aged under 65 with one or more of the qualifying conditions defined in QAIF (COPD, diabetes, CHD or stroke). So for the age 65 or above cohorts, all registered patients are counted in the numerator (100%). Influenza data is not available for 2021-22.

The Audit+ data for 2019-20 include disease registers that were included historically as part of QOF, but have since been retired and are no longer a part of QAIF. These include cardiovascular disease - primary prevention, depression and smoking (with chronic conditions).

Note, patients with gender recorded as ‘not known’ are included in the 'All' gender category.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for 2019-20 onwards. The data is taken on or as close as possible to the QAIF year-end date.

Rounding applied

Prevalence rates are rounded to 1 decimal place.


QAIF, disease registers, QOF, Audit+

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per given weblink.