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community pharmacy average items dispensedTitle
Average number of items prescribed per community pharmacy by LHBLast update
29 November 2024Next update
November 2025Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentContact email
National StatisticsGeographical coverage
Local health boardsLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceGeneral description
The data in this table shows the number of prescription items dispensed from community pharmacies in Wales during the financial year, divided by the number of community pharmacies active on 31 March in the reference year.This table is provided to highlight activity in community pharmacies each year and is based on claims made (PD1 Reports) to NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership by community pharmacies which dispensed the items.
It does not include items dispensed by dispensing doctors and personally administered items prescribed and administered by a member of the general practice (which are included in the primary care prescriptions statistics).
Please note that the main data source for prescriptions data is the primary care prescriptions statistical release, which complements this community pharmacy release. The primary care prescriptions release provides detailed analysis on items prescribed by all primary care contractors that were dispensed in the community. It includes statistics on items prescribed by pharmacists working in community pharmacies and by pharmacists who work in general practices.