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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Seasonal flu vaccinations provided by community pharmacies by patient eligibility criteria
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Aged 50 years to 64 years77,55666,325.The data item is not applicable
Aged 65 or over64,43372,60865,950
Asplenia or splenic dysfunction13010399
Carer (informal, unpaid)3,3782,7816,129
Carer (voluntary sector, unpaid)347308517
Chronic Heart Disease3,4343,7332,762
Chronic Kidney Disease369342260
Chronic Liver Disease172146151
Chronic Neurological Disease1,3229111,037
Chronic Respiratory Disease13,21211,70910,954
Community First Responder129153195
Designated First Aider996989
Domiciliary Care Workers1,6811,1641,217
Epilepsy.The data item is not applicable494425
Household contact of immunocompromised individuals1,3561,3772,241
Household contacts of people on the NHS Shielded List734421.The data item is not applicable
Immunosuppression due to disease2,6912,6793,227
Individuals Experiencing Homelessness.The data item is not applicable1110
Learning Disability531544525
Morbidly obese adults (class III obesity)803570696
Other (as specified in PGD)1,7192,1813,017
People living in long-stay residential care homes or other long-stay care facilities17616689
Serious Mental Illness.The data item is not applicable232359
Social care / nursing staff working in a care home4,4702,5982,463



Seasonal flu vaccinations provided by community pharmacies by patient eligibility criteria

Last update

29 November 2024 29 November 2024

Next update

November 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Prescribing Services, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Community pharmacies can provide the NHS vaccination against seasonal influenza. The statistics in this release only includes those eligible for a seasonal flu vaccine funded by the NHS, who received it at a community pharmacy. It does not include anyone who was eligible and had it provided through a general practice or anyone who paid for a vaccine privately at the pharmacy.
Data shows the number of vaccinations provided to patients under each eligibility criteria. Data for 2021-22 and 2022-23 includes multiple reasons for eligibility for each recipient. Data for 2023-24 onwards only shows the main reason for eligibility, due to a change in how data was recorded. The main reason is determined by the clinician who provided the vaccination, with the person's age taking precedence over all other criteria.
Patients being 'aged 50-64' was removed from the eligibility criteria in 2023-24. It was added in previous years in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data is based on claims made by pharmacies for the services provided.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2021-22 onwards

Rounding applied


Revisions information


Statistical quality

See quality report under 'Background Information' at the weblink


community pharmacy pharmacies seasonal flu vaccination eligibility criteria