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Data Provider: Welsh Government First contacts at community contraceptive clinics (females) by main method of contraception and age

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

YearYear ending 31st March[Filtered]
[Collapse]AgeCodeAge in years[Filter]
AgeCode 1
[Collapse]MethodMain method of contraception for all first contacts. One method is recorded for each client; this is the main method chosen, or for existing clients, the main ongoing method in use. [Filter]
Method 1
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortUnder 13Click here to sort13Click here to sort14Click here to sort15Click here to sort16Click here to sort17Click here to sort18Click here to sort19Click here to sort20-24Click here to sort25-34Click here to sort35-44Click here to sort45 and overClick here to sortNot known
[Collapse]Total432701,2512,5643,7213,6443,3343,07713,05613,1529,0106,968.The data item is not applicable60,090
TotalOral contraceptive - combined2593678591,3711,4381,2911,1403,9893,152785237.The data item is not applicable14,690
Oral contraceptive - progestogen0433104152167183187786925904419.The data item is not applicable3,864
IUD (fitting or check)Where a definite choice is made and arrangements for this are put in place this is the method recorded even if an alternative method may be advised for temporary use. Gwent NHS Trust cannot split IUD and IUS.10228192237301775698261.The data item is not applicable2,126
IUS (fitting or check)Gwent NHS Trust cannot split IUD and IUS.110152916128513836435.The data item is not applicable1,947
Cap, diaphragm0004342414294846.The data item is not applicable154
Condom141184817861,0327305414861,5941,542903415.The data item is not applicable8,642
Chemicals0123969521342520.The data item is not applicable135
Natural methods001001012431.The data item is not applicable13
Injectable contraceptives23261312042242832251,00392750773.The data item is not applicable3,608
Implants310791541982562092081,07990030958.The data item is not applicable3,463
Female sterilisationWhere a definite choice is made and arrangements for this are put in place this is the method recorded even if an alternative method may be advised for temporary use.0002003199118.The data item is not applicable43
Female condom000030200432.The data item is not applicable14
Other methods12102533575067216192113101.The data item is not applicable867
Contraception advice onlyGwent NHS Trust cannot split contraceptive advice only and non contraceptive first contacts.6301241982922832552371,0691,078643306.The data item is not applicable4,521
Non contraceptive first contactGwent NHS Trust cannot split contraceptive advice only and non contraceptive first contacts.13421262954114574754632,8453,0683,2224,586.The data item is not applicable16,003
Not known.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable



Hlth1402: First contacts at Community Contraceptive clinics by main method of contraception and age, females


HSA, Welsh Assembly Government


Last update was added to StatsWales: 11 November 2009
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: KT31 aggregate statistical return
KT31, Community contraception and reproductive health services, collects data from NHS Trusts in Wales on women and men attending community contraceptive clinics. The data provided is first (face-to-face) contacts in the financial year i.e. the first visit in the financial year.


Contraception, family planning, emergency contraception

