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Data Provider: Welsh Government First contacts at community contraceptive clinics (females) by method and age

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

YearYear ended 31 March[Filtered]
[Collapse]AgeAge at first attendance in year[Filter]
Age 1
[Collapse]MethodMain method of contraception chosen[Filter]
Method 1
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortUnder 13Some clinics in Betsi Cadwaladr only collect Under 15s; included in age 14Click here to sort13Some clinics in Betsi Cadwaladr only collect Under 15s; included in age 14Click here to sort14Includes all Under 15s from some clinics in Betsi CadwaladrClick here to sort15Click here to sort16Some clinics in Betsi Cadwaladr only collect 16-17s; included in age 17Click here to sort17Includes those aged 16 from some clinics in Betsi CadwaladrClick here to sort18Some clinics in Betsi Cadwaladr only collect 18-19s; included in age 19Click here to sort19Includes those aged 18 from some clinics in Betsi CadwaladrClick here to sort20-24Click here to sort25-34Click here to sort35-44Includes those aged 45+ from some clinics in Betsi Cadwaladr (only able to collect age 35+)Click here to sort45 and overSome clinics in Betsi Cadwaladr only collect age 35+; included in age 35-44Click here to sortNot known
[Collapse]Total452941,0722,3243,1485,0024,5726,03519,74017,7919,7685,480.The data item is not applicable75,271
TotalOral contraceptive - combined8252145088181,3021,0631,4504,4262,764774172.The data item is not applicable13,524
Oral contraceptive - progestogen18361562073082954171,3351,7841,257877.The data item is not applicable6,681
IUD (fitting or check)Where a definite choice is made and arrangements for this are put in place this is the method recorded even if an alternative method may be advised for temporary use.4014122277955341,266838168.The data item is not applicable3,021
IUS (fitting or check)101135559833501,0161,213516.The data item is not applicable3,298
Cap, diaphragm0011023616372852.The data item is not applicable146
Condom9952634546496807776811,9561,851869422.The data item is not applicable8,706
Chemicals1004787949612514.The data item is not applicable185
Natural methods000406084320.The data item is not applicable27
Injectable contraceptives19622253104565385771,9201,54171969.The data item is not applicable6,427
Implants3281492853947144955942,2121,945705144.The data item is not applicable7,668
Female sterilisationWhere a definite choice is made and arrangements for this are put in place this is the method recorded even if an alternative method may be advised for temporary use.000000100131.The data item is not applicable6
Female condom0005657311324.The data item is not applicable46
Other methods04699414176166916039.The data item is not applicable542
Contraception advice only750892232193343323931,2441,283834381.The data item is not applicable5,389
Non contraceptive first contact10752504455141,0698771,6435,5174,1452,4392,621.The data item is not applicable19,605
Not known.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable


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