Data is published for the number of: calls offered, answered and abandoned for the NHS 111 service in Wales.
- High level information
- Statistical quality information
- Weblinks
- Summary information
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- Open Data
111 service activity in Wales, by date and measureLast update
20/02/2025Next update
20/03/2025Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Welsh Ambulance Services NHS TrustContact email
Management informationLowest level of geographical disaggregation
WalesGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceStatistical quality
Please find this information in the related NHS activity and performance summary: quality report, as per the given weblink.Note that data included in this statistical release covers a time period during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has affected both how some NHS services have been offered and people's choices regarding health services. See the latest release for more information.
General description
Data is published for the number of: calls offered, answered and abandoned for the NHS 111 service in Wales.The total number of ‘offered’ calls made to the 111 service during the month is the sum of the number of: answered and abandoned calls. A call is classed as 'offered' as soon as the call connects to the service's telephony system.
Calls are classified as answered if the call was answered by a 111 call handler. Calls are classified as ‘abandoned’ if the caller hung up before the call was answered by an 111 call handler after the pre-recorded message (or after the initial 30 seconds if there is no pre-recorded message)
Data is also published for the number of calls made to the 111 service during the month where the caller indicated that they wished to conduct the call in Welsh.
Data collection and calculation
Local health boards submit data to WAST who provide Welsh Government with a combined data extract on a monthly basis.Frequency of publication
MonthlyData reference periods
April 2022 onwardsUsers, uses and context
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic Welsh Government published data on calls to NHS Direct. Over the course of several years NHS Direct was phased out across health boards and replaced by the 111 service. As data was no longer consistent across Wales publication of the stats released ceased. As of mid-March all health boards had implemented the 111 system, so publication of a new statistical series was possible. The first time period which data is available for is April 2022.During the COVID-19 pandemic WAST supplied management information on calls to NHS Direct and 111 so that the service could be monitored.
Revisions information
Data is subject to revisionCompleted symptom check data for April and May was revised on 21/07/2022.
WAST discovered that some completed symptom checks were being counted more than once, in the instance where a user had returned to the previous page after receiving an outcome and either re-enter their answer or change it. A new methodology has been devised which only counts the most recent outcome for the session regardless of the number of times the user may have reached an outcome by altering their supplied information.