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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Ambulance calls by Local Health Board

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

[Collapse]AreaBy Unitary Authority, Local Health Board (LHB) and Wales[Filter]
[Collapse]Area 1
Area 2
Click here to sortTotal number of callsFollowing further validation by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, calls data for Powys from October 2010 until July 2011 has been revised (September 2011). This will have also affected the numbers for the Central & West region and Wales.Click here to sortNumber of Category A callsFollowing further validation by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, calls data for Powys from October 2010 until July 2011 has been revised (September 2011). This will have also affected the numbers for the Central & West region and Wales.Click here to sortNumber of Category B callsFollowing further validation by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, calls data for Powys from October 2010 until July 2011 has been revised (September 2011). This will have also affected the numbers for the Central & West region and Wales.
[Collapse]WALESFollowing further validation by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, calls data for Powys from October 2010 until July 2011 has been revised (September 2011). This will have also affected the numbers for the Central & West region and Wales.29,01911,57717,442
WALESFollowing further validation by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, calls data for Powys from October 2010 until July 2011 has been revised (September 2011). This will have also affected the numbers for the Central & West region and Wales.[Expand]BETSI CADWALADR ULHB7,1572,6994,458
[Expand]POWYS TEACHING LHBFollowing further validation by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, calls data for Powys from October 2010 until July 2011 has been revised (September 2011). This will have also affected the numbers for the Central & West region and Wales.1,019447572
[Expand]HYWEL DDA LHB3,3531,3771,976
[Expand]ABERTAWE BRO MORGANNWG ULHB4,6531,9522,701
[Expand]CARDIFF & VALE ULHB4,3741,7322,642
[Expand]CWM TAF LHB2,8901,1251,765
[Expand]ANEURIN BEVAN LHB5,5732,2453,328


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