Waiting times by month
Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
Total waiting Total waiting
Up to 1 month 1-2 months Over 2 months
Mar-05 288 294 344 926
Apr-05 387 257 366 1,010
May-05 306 349 358 1,013
Jun-05 331 208 357 896
Jul-05 460 271 272 1,003
Aug-05 377 374 328 1,079
Sep-05 326 323 379 1,028
Oct-05 305 317 371 993
Nov-05 364 280 381 1,025
Dec-05 244 347 411 1,002
Jan-06 315 219 381 915
Feb-06 348 280 248 876
Mar-06 370 305 163 838
Apr-06 287 347 227 861
May-06 319 237 323 879
Jun-06 330 261 250 841
Jul-06 150 186 174 510
Aug-06 330 325 296 951
Sep-06 370 354 310 1,034
Oct-06 401 386 317 1,104
Nov-06 358 326 344 1,028
Dec-06 272 319 370 961
Jan-07 375 293 292 960
Feb-07 368 353 313 1,034
Mar-07 412 276 252 940
Apr-07 332 261 206 799
May-07 363 217 315 895
Jun-07 343 232 265 840
Jul-07 383 263 261 907
Aug-07 352 245 260 857
Sep-07 345 216 214 775
Oct-07 388 221 150 759
Nov-07 384 215 135 734
Dec-07 363 267 190 820
Jan-08 412 188 206 806
Feb-08 502 203 174 879
Mar-08 404 280 138 822
Apr-08 392 240 171 803
May-08 424 250 177 851
Jun-08 317 229 174 720
Jul-08 461 193 128 782
Aug-08 352 250 176 778
Sep-08 423 191 184 798
Oct-08 399 244 141 784
Nov-08 360 223 122 705
Hlth0004: NHS Hospital Waiting Times for Angiography
HSA3, Welsh Assembly Government
Last Update: November 2008; Was added to StatsWales: 23 December 2008; Next Update: No longer updated. Will be added to StatsWales by: 28 January 2008; Source: NHS Trusts Contact: stats.healthinfo@wales.gsi.gov.uk
nhs, waiting times, hospital, angiography