Patients newly diagnosed via the urgent suspected cancer route starting treatment by quarter
0008 urgent suspected cancer route
The patients shown here are those treated via the urgent route. The national target for these patients is:
Patients referred by their GP with urgent suspected cancer and subsequently diagnosed as such by a cancer specialist will start definitive treatment within 62 days of receipt of referral.
Data are collected for 13 cancer tumour sites and an 'other' category. Results were published only for the sites judged to have data of sufficient quality, with more sites added as quality improved. It should be noted that for many trusts the number of tumour sites reported against has increased each quarter and therefore it is not advisable to make comparisons between quarters. For some cancer tumour sites the total number of patients starting treatment within the quarter is small. Care should be taken when interpreting percentages based on small numbers of patients.
Patients referred by their GP with urgent suspected cancer and subsequently diagnosed as such by a cancer specialist will start definitive treatment within 62 days of receipt of referral.
Data are collected for 13 cancer tumour sites and an 'other' category. Results were published only for the sites judged to have data of sufficient quality, with more sites added as quality improved. It should be noted that for many trusts the number of tumour sites reported against has increased each quarter and therefore it is not advisable to make comparisons between quarters. For some cancer tumour sites the total number of patients starting treatment within the quarter is small. Care should be taken when interpreting percentages based on small numbers of patients.