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Data Provider: Welsh Government NHS beds by organisation and year, 2009-10 onwards
[Collapse]Specialty 1[Filter]
Specialty 2[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]OrganisationFrom 1st October 2009, reforms took place across NHS organisations in Wales. For further information, please see Weblinks. [Filter]
[Collapse]Organisation 1
[Collapse]Organisation 2
[Collapse]Organisation 3
[Collapse]Organisation 4
Organisation 5
Click here to sort2009-10Click here to sort2010-11Click here to sort2011-12Click here to sort2012-13Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2012-13. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2013-14Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2013-14. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2014-15Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2014-15. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2015-16Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2015-16. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2016-17Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2016-17. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2017-18Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2017-18. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2018-19Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2017-18. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2019-20Revised (March 2021) Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2017-18. More information is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sort2020-21The Digital Health and Care Wales daily COVID-19 SITREP is the main data source for COVID-19 hospitalisation figures. This data is based on a different source, definitions and hospital types. Comparisons should not be made between these collections.Click here to sort2021-22The Digital Health and Care Wales daily COVID-19 SITREP is the main data source for COVID-19 hospitalisation figures. This data is based on a different source, definitions and hospital types. Comparisons should not be made between these collections.Click here to sort2022-23The Digital Health and Care Wales daily COVID-19 SITREP is the main data source for COVID-19 hospitalisation figures. This data is based on a different source, definitions and hospital types. Comparisons should not be made between these collections.Click here to sort2023-24
Wales[Expand]Betsi Cadwaladr University Health BoardThe LHB total includes data from hospital codes that were invalid for 2015-162,744.12,471.32,384.42,373.92,305.42,270.52,300.92,249.32,204.62,220.72,231.41,995.62,031.92,123.62,171.3
[Expand]Powys Teaching Health BoardThe LHB total includes data from hospital codes that were invalid for 2015-16277.5255.7244.9242.4228.8223.3223.8217.5215.1214.1217.3200.4205.6212.5195.8
[Expand]Hywel Dda University Health Board1,296.91,278.81,239.11,207.01,189.61,159.51,153.31,218.41,228.61,208.01,211.41,165.41,121.61,160.41,175.0
[Expand]Swansea Bay University Health Board.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable1,595.61,432.01,536.21,553.41,463.1
[Expand]Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable1,712.01,717.71,716.41,735.11,786.0
[Expand]Aneurin Bevan University Health Board1,951.11,881.21,815.61,831.31,833.91,860.01,830.61,812.21,796.11,773.11,802.01,905.61,843.01,792.71,829.6
[Expand]Cardiff and Vale University Health Board2,257.72,161.32,111.02,066.11,960.51,870.91,810.51,792.91,765.11,747.01,753.91,874.61,771.91,779.21,794.1
[Expand]Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board2,627.42,572.42,528.72,374.02,329.12,337.42,299.12,265.72,198.82,135.3.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Cwm Taf University Health Board1,600.51,479.31,437.01,355.51,348.21,301.01,277.91,260.81,263.91,210.7.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Velindre NHS Trust51.449.348.946.846.038.938.840.



NHS Beds by organisation and specialty since 2009-10

Last update

28/08/2024 28/08/2024

Next update

September 2025 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This data covers a time period during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has affected NHS services.

During the pandemic, hospital services in Wales were reorganised due to enhanced infection prevention and control measures, and the need to treat COVID and non-COVID patients separately. Subsequently, planned operations were significantly reduced and non-urgent emergency admissions decreased. As a result, hospitals experienced lower occupancy rates in 2020-21 than in previous years.

This table presents summary information, from the QueSt1 return, provided by the NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS), on bed use in Wales.

Data presented in this statistical release are an annual average and illustrate yearly changing occupancy rates and bed availability. Therefore, these data won’t reflect changing levels of activity throughout the year.

The data do not present data on average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor. These indicators are calculated using data on deaths and discharges which is no longer collected via the QS1 return, and need to be derived from the Patient Episode Database for Wales (PEDW) for 2012-13 onwards. When carrying out more detailed analysis of the deaths and discharges data from PEDW in preparation for the 2012-13 release, data quality issues arose in relation to assessment unit (AU) activity reporting in QS1 and in PEDW and how this should be treated in the data. It was identified that there is inconsistency in the reporting of assessment units, with some LHBs reporting AU activity within their beds data, and others omitting them. This inconsistency in the reporting of AU activity is also likely to affect historic data.

Please find information on changes to the data published on NHS beds, as per the given weblink.

Data collection and calculation

Please find this information in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is shown from 2009-10 onwards.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.

Revisions information

Please find this information in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.

Data for 2019-20 was revised on 12/03/2021. This did not impact on the overall figures.


Beds; Patients; NHS


Statistical release:

From 1st October 2009, reforms took place across NHS organisations in Wales, involving a number of organisation mergers and renaming of organisations. Full details of the reforms can be found at

Statistical quality

During the pandemic, hospital services in Wales were reorganised due to enhanced infection prevention and control measures, and the need to treat COVID and non-COVID patients separately. Subsequently, planned operations were significantly reduced and non-urgent emergency admissions decreased. As a result, hospitals experienced lower occupancy rates in 2020-21 than in previous years.
Therefore, caution should be exercised in comparing occupancy rates between 2020-21 and previous years.

The Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) daily COVID-19 SITREP is the main data source for COVID-19 hospitalisation figures, with data published daily by Welsh Government. The data presented in this statistical release is based on a different source, different definitions and different hospital types. Therefore comparisons should not be made between these two collections.

Recoding for 2016-17: It has been identified that North Wales Adolescent Service moved from their site in Colwyn Bay to Abergele Hospital in 2009. Prior to 2009-10, these beds were recorded under North Wales Adolescent Service, while they have been recorded under the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board total, and were not recorded under a hospital site, from 2009-10 onwards. During 2016-17, it was agreed that this data should be recorded under Abergele, and this change is reflected in the publication.
Ysbyty Gwynedd and University Hospital Llandough submitted data under the neurology specialty in 2016-17. This has been reported under other neurology, as this is consistent with how data is submitted by other hospitals.

Recoding in 2017-18: From April 2016, new codes were introduced for describing specialties to add more detail to data collections. Until all health boards are able to report data consistently using the more detailed codes, we have recoded specialties as their previous description to avoid inconsistent reporting. Specifically, ‘Breast Surgery’ data has been recoded as ‘General Surgery’ which is how it has been recorded historically. We recoded ‘Stroke Medicine’ as ‘General Medicine’ and ‘Interventional Radiology’ as ‘Radiology’.

Please find further information regarding data quality in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.