Life expectancy
Health Statistics and Analysis Unit, Welsh Government
Added to StatWales: 19 November 2013
Next update: Autumn 2014 (provisional)
Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Contact: Stats.healthinfo@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The figures in this table are constructed from the estimated population and total deaths by single year / quinary age each year, based on a three year average. The expected years of life is the lifetime of a newborn person if they were subject throughout their lives to the average recorded death rate of the three year period. Such a calculation excludes future inprovements to mortality rates.
Data relating to the period 2002 to 2010 were revised by ONS following revisions to mid-year population estimates in light of the 2011 Census. The revised figures are shown here.
Next update: Autumn 2014 (provisional)
Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Contact: Stats.healthinfo@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The figures in this table are constructed from the estimated population and total deaths by single year / quinary age each year, based on a three year average. The expected years of life is the lifetime of a newborn person if they were subject throughout their lives to the average recorded death rate of the three year period. Such a calculation excludes future inprovements to mortality rates.
Data relating to the period 2002 to 2010 were revised by ONS following revisions to mid-year population estimates in light of the 2011 Census. The revised figures are shown here.
Life expectancy