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Data Provider: Welsh Government Management Information General practitioners workforce headcounts by local health board, gender and year
YearAll data at 30 September except 2009 which is at 1 October. <br /><br />Minor administrative errors have been identified relating to the 2011 and 2012 Headcount figures for Wales; these have been revised. [Filtered]
Gender 1
Area Code[Filtered]
[Collapse]AreaThe 7 Local Health Boards took over from the former 22 Local Health Boards on the 1 October 2009. Although it has been possible to show some data for years prior to this by Local Health Board it has not been possible to do so for all years. <br /><br />Aneurin Bevan, Cwm Taf, and Hywel Dda are now University Local Health Boards. The name change came into force on the 12 December 2013. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Area 1
Area 2
[Collapse]30 September 2013[Collapse]30 September 2014[Collapse]30 September 2015[Collapse]30 September 2016[Collapse]30 September 2017A number of data quality issues have been identified with the source data for this release. Full details are provided in the statistical release. It is advised that the numbers presented in this release are treated with caution.[Collapse]30 September 2018A number of data quality issues have been identified with the source data for this release. Full details are provided in the statistical release. It is advised that the numbers presented in this release are treated with caution.
[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons[Collapse]PersonsClick here to sortPersons
Click here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMaleClick here to sortFemaleClick here to sortMale
[Collapse]W11000023[Collapse]Wales[Expand]Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board183261444197249446206231437219221440212195407226199425
[Collapse]W11000024[Collapse]Wales[Expand]Powys Teaching Local Health Borad4260102465298485098574710454481025646102
[Collapse]W11000025[Collapse]Wales[Expand]Hywel Dda University Local Health Board112143255116137253115128243119124243108116224112109221
[Collapse]W11000026[Collapse]Wales[Expand]Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board161181342170176346173173346177167344180155335193154347
[Collapse]W11000027[Collapse]Wales[Expand]Cwm Taf University Local Health Board789917777931708890178948117592801729782179
[Collapse]W11000028[Collapse]Wales[Expand]Aneurin Bevan University Local Health Board206180386207175382210172382222171393218158376217155372
[Collapse]W11000029[Collapse]Wales[Expand]Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board162158320162149311166147313165145310178132310190128318


General description

Data for full time equivalents between 2006 and 2013 previously published in this table have been removed due to concerns about the accuracy of the data collection method.

The information presented here shows the headcount number of GP practitioners in Wales and the whole time equivalent number.

Data collection and calculation

The data is provided by the NHS Digital, who collect data using the Exeter database. This database is a computerised payment system of General Medical Practitioners (GMPs) who are in contract with Local Health Boards.

WTE calculations are based on the number of sessions a GP works during the week, up to a maximum of nine sessions.

Whole time Equivalent figures have been omitted since 2015 following concerns expressed by users about data quality. Whole time Equivalent figures will be published once the issue has been fully investigated and resolved. Headcount figures are unaffected.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

All data relates to headcount numbers as at 30 September except for 2009 which is at 1 October.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per given weblink.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

Data prior to the last period have been revised.


General Practitioners workforce

Last update

27 March 2019 27 March 2019

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Contact email


Management information

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per given weblink.


General medical practitioner; GMP; General practitioner; GPs; GP workforce; workforce; Registered patients

