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Full-time equivalent (FTE) wider practice staff per 10,000 population, by local health boardLast update
30 January 2025Next update
To be confirmedPublishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Wales National Workforce Reporting System (WNWRS)Source 2
Mid-year population estimates, Office for National StatisticsContact email
stats.healthinfo@gov.walesLowest level of geographical disaggregation
Local health boardsGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshGeneral description
This shows the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) wider practice staff per 10,000 population by local health board, at every quarterly snapshot date since 31-Dec-21.Data collection and calculation
Wider practice staff captures all nurses, direct patient care and admin staff. These three groups cover all 'non-GP' staff in general practice.Rates are based on the FTEs and the ONS mid-year population estimates. The population data relates to the same year as the workforce data: this means that the latest published rates for 31 March, 30 June and 30 September are based on the previous year’s population estimates and will be revised using the population estimates for the subsequent year in the next statistical release.
The Wales National Workforce Reporting System (WNWRS) provides a secure web based tool developed to capture information on staff working in general practices in Wales.
In broad terms, the system works by practice managers inputting details of their staff onto the system, confirming the details every quarter. Data is then extracted on the last day of each quarter (March, June, September, December). NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) perform validations to improve data quality before anonymised data are shared with Welsh Government statisticians to validate further and produce these official statistics.