Annual wider practice staff workforce flows (full-time equivalent)
Annual wider practice staff workforce flows (full-time equivalent)Last update
30 January 2025Next update
To be confirmedPublishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Wales National Workforce Reporting System (WNWRS)Contact email
stats.healthinfo@gov.walesLowest level of geographical disaggregation
WalesGeographical coverage
WalesGeneral description
Movement of full-time equivalent (FTE) wider practice staff by staff group.Data collection and calculation
This data shows the overall number of FTE wider practice staff by staff group in year 2 by the staff group the same staff were working in on the same date in year 1.The joiners and leavers numbers for wider practice staff groups in this dataset will not necessarily match those in HLTH0475 due to the addition of the multiple staff roles category. In addition, joiners and leavers in the dataset are defined at the wider practice staff level, whereas in HLTH0475 they are defined at the staff group level. For example, if an individual was contracted to a direct patient care role in year 1 but moved to a nurse role in year 2, there would be a flow from ‘direct patient care’ to ‘nurse’ in this dataset. However, this movement in HLTH0475 would be recorded as a direct patient care leaver, and a nurse joiner.