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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Dental Activity data by charge band, patient type, treatment type and year

Figures show the number of different courses of treatment that occur per year.

[Collapse]Patient Type[Filtered]
Patient Type 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Treatment Band[Filter]
Treatment Band 1
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortBand 1Routine examination, scaling and diagnostic procedures. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 2Fillings and extractions. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 3Treatment requiring laboratory work. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortUrgentOne of a specified set of possible treatments provided to a person in certain circumstances.<br />See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 1Routine examination, scaling and diagnostic procedures. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 2Fillings and extractions. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 3Treatment requiring laboratory work. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortUrgentOne of a specified set of possible treatments provided to a person in certain circumstances.<br />See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 1Routine examination, scaling and diagnostic procedures. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 2Fillings and extractions. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortBand 3Treatment requiring laboratory work. See Statistical Release for a fuller list.Click here to sortUrgentOne of a specified set of possible treatments provided to a person in certain circumstances.<br />See Statistical Release for a fuller list.
Total number of Courses of Treatment (CoTs)This figure is a count of unique Courses of Treatment and not the sum of the treatments listed within the band.1,434,497569,41898,443222,7682,325,126154,726134,68122,363224,130535,900461,494301,78948,004230,1061,041,393
Antibiotic Items Prescribed3,6516,3861,22624,16835,431802416443428106221497
Other Treatment78,98879,10620,305137,065315,46418,46734,4256,273131,036190,20158,86874,29814,639136,628284,433
Referral for advanced mandatory services1,9462,752219664,983572941771151,7051,2952,0561701473,668
Fluoride varnish273,210105,7887,7314,329391,05862,01648,3534,89927,384142,652328,030238,48932,543111,535710,597
Lower denture - acrylic1517918,599418,79712765,125115,2241912211,072511,218
Lower denture - metal111,00301,00500610610132033
Radiographs taken198,886195,11644,94956,926495,87738,94659,1829,86971,568179,565134,959153,59623,66181,528393,744
Scale and polish294,973220,64929,4613,494548,5779376,4591,557669,0192822,014536222,854
Upper denture - acrylic4854933,1451833,760292749,606549,9634147120,0143620,562
Upper denture - metal142,05202,0570015301530061061
Bridges fitted7225,377575,463691,075311,1217522,771252,855
Veneers applied04994151,0133518212202824108428
Crowns provided3016834,99225935,4499496,1711536,3823111214,04315614,342
Endodontic treatment2618,2267,96444826,664127,3681,6414889,5093813,0893,68154417,352
Permanent fillings and sealant restorations784410,42929,26136,092476,56636591,5406,67644,393142,9741,154213,65816,93346,525278,270
Fissure sealants3,4224,27348427,7853407086691,1231,6671,968231383,796


General description

The information presented here shows the number of different courses of treatment by treatment band.
Treatments are split into treatment bands, which are used to determine the charge paid by patients:
Band 1 - covers a check-up and simple treatment (such as examination, diagnosis (e.g. x-rays), advice on preventative measures, and a scale and polish).
Band 2 - includes mid-range treatments (such as fillings, extractions, and root canal work) in addition to Band 1 work.
Band 3 - includes complex treatments (such as crowns, dentures, and bridges) in addition to Band 1 and Band 2 work.
Urgent - a specified set of possible treatments provided to a patient in circumstances where: prompt care and treatment is provided because, in the opinion of the dental practitioner, that person's oral health is likely to deteriorate significantly, or the person is in severe pain by reason of their oral condition; and care and treatment is provided only to the extent that is necessary to prevent that significant deterioration or address that severe pain.
Free - these do not attract a patient charge and include: arrest of bleeding, bridge repairs, denture repair, removal of sutures, and prescription issues.
The patient charge for the urgent band is the same as that for Band 1.

Data collection and calculation

The data is derived from dental activity forms submitted for payment and processed by NHS Business Services Authority Dental Services.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a significant impact on the way dental services have been provided in Wales and therefore affect the data collected from the last quarter of the financial year 2019-20 and the full financial years 2020-21 and 2021-22.
From 1st April 2019 health service provision for residents of Bridgend local authority moved from Abertawe Bro Morgannwg to Cwm Taf. For more information see the joint statement from Cwm Taf and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Boards (see weblinks). The health board names have changed with Cwm Taf University Health Board becoming Cwm Taf Morganwg University Health Board and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board becoming Swansea Bay University Health Board. A link to the statement from the minister for health and social service can be found in the weblinks section.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2010-11 onwards.

Revisions information



Dental activity data by charge band, patient type, treatment type and year

Last update

13 October 2022 13 October 2022

Next update

September 2023 (provisional)

Source 1

Dental Services, NHS Business Services Authority

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


NHS dental services:


Dental; NHS Dental; Treatment band; Courses of treatment; CoTs

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication and quality report, as per given weblink.

