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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Deaths by cause
Age group[Filtered]
[Collapse]Cause 1
[Collapse]Cause 2
[Collapse]Cause 3
[Collapse]Cause 4
Cause 5
Click here to sort2001Click here to sort2002Click here to sort2003Click here to sort2004Click here to sort2005Click here to sort2006Click here to sort2007Click here to sort2008Click here to sort2009Click here to sort2010Click here to sort2011
[Collapse]All causes, including neonatal deaths33,24933,31433,81032,31732,16231,08332,14832,06631,00631,19730,426
All causes, including neonatal deaths[Expand]Certain conditions originating in the perinatal periodICD 10 codes P00-P967869658713118
[Expand]Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperiumICD 10 codes O00-O991.The data item is not applicable431.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable3325
[Expand]Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissueICD 10 codes L00-L998284879410293751181059787
[Expand]Diseases of the ear and mastoid processICD 10 codes H60-H95132.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable1.The data item is not applicable23.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Diseases of the eye and adnexaICD 10 codes H00-H591.The data item is not applicable2.The data item is not applicable11.The data item is not applicable21.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Neonatal deathsDeaths of infants under 28 days1059594106949311610810710297
[Collapse]Certain infectious and parasitic diseasesICD 10 codes A00-B99214266236314327337470465488454438
Certain infectious and parasitic diseasesICD 10 codes A00-B99[Expand]Sequelae of tuberculosisICD 10 code B908635644231.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]MycosesICD 10 codes B35-B4945361544247
[Expand]Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] diseaseICD 10 codes B20-B24256598123873
[Expand]Viral hepatitisICD 10 codes B15-B1921248114713101014
[Expand]SepticaemiaICD 10 codes A40-A41111130132182178172212173195188193
[Expand]Meningococcal infectionICD 10 code A39129587475425
[Expand]Other tuberculosisICD 10 codes A17-A1931365212313
[Expand]Respiratory tuberculosisICD 10 codes A15-A161721791910111418118
[Expand]Intestinal infectious diseasesICD 10 codes A00-A09334849626699183209208195176
[Expand]NeoplasmsICD 10 codes C00-D488,7288,5928,6318,7278,5758,7408,9638,8968,7498,6678,852
[Expand]Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs & certain disorders involving the certain disorders involving the immune mechanismICD 10 codes D50-D895652715664597347597454
[Expand]Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseasesICD 10 codes E00-E90515539535530516468471486448449425
[Expand]Mental and behavioural disordersICD 10 codes F00-F998328889609139309481,1101,1401,1721,3321,925
[Expand]Diseases of the nervous systemICD 10 codes G00-G999059491,0019369729629801,0081,0141,0431,007
[Expand]Diseases of the circulatory systemICD 10 codes I00-I9913,88213,66013,48612,21712,14611,28711,26210,97110,41710,3419,111
[Expand]Diseases of the respiratory systemICD 10 codes J00-J994,1204,2254,6564,3084,4214,0904,3764,4454,2734,3404,445
[Expand]Diseases of the digestive systemICD 10 codes K00-K931,3761,4861,5041,4931,5221,5331,5881,7301,6441,6321,519
[Expand]Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissueICD 10 codes M00-M99233246235229216227225201205203207
[Expand]Diseases of the genitourinary systemICD 10 codes N00-N99432487512592592610660741710784585
[Expand]Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalitiesICD 10 codes Q00-Q996883757560648069636257
[Expand]Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classifiedICD 10 codes R00-R99566577585589526491480470351408441
[Expand]External causes of morbidity and mortalityICD 10 codes V01-Y891,1251,0741,1281,1261,0911,0741,2111,1571,1811,1961,163


Hlth1513 Death registrations

Health Statistics and Analysis Unit, Welsh Government

Added to StatsWales: April 2013
Next update: March 2014 (provisional)

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)


This table shows the number of deaths which were registered during the year.
Data for 2004 on is the cause of death as given in the death register and based on the doctor's certificate of cause of death; this is known as 'original' cause of death. Previous data is based on 'final' cause of death which takes account of any additional information provided by medical practitioners or coroners after the death has been registered.
The figures for individual cause categories exclude deaths aged under 28 days.

The software used by ONS to code cause of death was updated in 2011 (from ICD-10 v2001.2 to v2010), and incorporated amendments to the modification tables and selection rules used to assign underlying cause of death from the conditions recoded on the death certificate. Overall, the impact of these changes was small, but some causes of death were affected more than others, and so figures for 2011 are not directly comparable with previous years. More information is given in the ONS statistical bulletin ‘Results from the ICD-10 v2010 bridge coding study’.



Hlth1513 Death registrations