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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Tonnes of waste recycled/composted, 2004-05 to 2008-09, by material and source

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Area 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Measure 1
Measure 2
Component 1
[Collapse]Total municipal recyclingClick here to sortTotal municipal recycling
[Collapse]Total household recyclingClick here to sortTotal household recycling[Expand]Click here to sortNon-household recycling[Expand]Click here to sortRecyclate diverted from residual collection[Expand]Click here to sortNon-household rubble component[Expand]Click here to sortRejected (a)Rejected at gate of reprocessor[Expand]Click here to sortRejected (b)Rejected at Material Recovery Facility or composting process
Click here to sortKerbside schemesClick here to sortCivic amenity sitesClick here to sortBring sitesClick here to sortCivic amenity sites and bring sitesClick here to sortStreet recycling binsClick here to sortPrivate and voluntary collections
[Collapse]Total298,991184,36741,016.The data item is not applicable1479,215533,73558,9559,54165,454-9,931-11,302646,453
TotalGreen glass4083081,692.The data item is not applicable002,408000002,408
Brown glass24203840.The data item is not applicable001,068000001,068
Clear glass1235731,505.The data item is not applicable002,201000002,201
Mixed glass32,8383,84411,228.The data item is not applicable9010948,1094,776000052,885
Paper52,4983,5899,303.The data item is not applicable027865,6682,019000067,687
Card5,09910,1571,081.The data item is not applicable0416,3415,888000022,230
Books0126109.The data item is not applicable01524900000249
Mixed paper and card3,5641,5625,304.The data item is not applicable52010,482470000010,952
Steel cans1,9763348.The data item is not applicable002,057000-102,056
Aluminium cans483529.The data item is not applicable0054500000545
Mixed cans5,107165505.The data item is not applicable3305,81011600005,926
Plastics9,1052,6201,769.The data item is not applicable24713,54343000013,586
Textiles & footwear7261,9662,806.The data item is not applicable03555,8523800-8605,804
Co mingled materials78,0165,821356.The data item is not applicable04484,2385,583000-48889,332
Green waste only85,76758,5904,372.The data item is not applicable05,165153,8941,22200-4-1,978153,134
Other compostable waste21,3034200.The data item is not applicable0021,72336,934000-8,83549,822
Wood6953,6730.The data item is not applicable022753,9701,082000055,052
Furniture18641556.The data item is not applicable02,5753,232200003,234
Rubble000.The data item is not applicable0000065,454-9,394056,060
Fridges and freezers7934,2360.The data item is not applicable0875,116200-19504,923
Other electrical goods23513,2420.The data item is not applicable023413,7112600-165013,571
Other white goods5052,1490.The data item is not applicable0132,667000-7202,595
Other scrap metal5017,0770.The data item is not applicable02217,14969300-14017,828
Fluorescent tubes1330.The data item is not applicable00340000034
Aluminium foil300.The data item is not applicable003000003
Automotive batteries86710.The data item is not applicable0067900000679
Post consumer, non automotive batteries0270.The data item is not applicable00270000027
Vegetable oil0400.The data item is not applicable00400000040
Mineral oil04344.The data item is not applicable0043810000439
Paint21800.The data item is not applicable0118300000183
Other materials1012,16329.The data item is not applicable082,3016000002,360
Food/kitchen000.The data item is not applicable000000000
Mixed residual000.The data item is not applicable00009,5410009,541


Envi0007: Municipal waste management

Statistical Directorate, Welsh Assembly Government

Last update: March 2010
Was added to StatsWales: March 2010

Next Update: No longer updated.

Source: WasteDataFlow

From 1996-97 to 2003-04 data on municipal waste was collected through the Municipal Waste Management Survey. This survey was sent to all local authorities in Wales and England. From 1998-99 Wales achieved a 100 per cent response rate. For 1996-97 and 1997-98 missing data had to be estimated and so these two years are not strictly comparable with the others.

From 2004-05 the information for this report was collected using an online reporting system for waste data called 'WasteDataFlow' (WDF). In Wales this is managed by the Environment Agency Wales and the Waste Strategy Branch extract the information for the report from WDF.

There may be some discrepancies in the tables, where the components do not sum up to the totals. These discrepancies are due to rounding.

Municipal waste data by quarter are also available on StatsWales. The quarterly data is provisional until the end of the year and is intended to provide an early indication of the results. The quarterly data excludes abandoned vehicles, rubble, incinerator residues and matter from beach cleansing, which are included in the annual data. Please refer to the annual data for the final results.

Municipal waste

