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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Tonnes of waste recycled/composted by material and source

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Area 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Measure 1
Measure 2
Component 1
[Collapse]Total municipal recyclingClick here to sortTotal municipal recycling
[Collapse]Total household recyclingClick here to sortTotal household recycling[Expand]Click here to sortNon-household recycling[Expand]Click here to sortRecyclate diverted from residual collection[Expand]Click here to sortNon-household rubble component[Expand]Click here to sortRejected (a)Rejected at gate of reprocessor[Expand]Click here to sortRejected (b)Rejected at Material Recovery Facility or composting process
Click here to sortKerbside schemesClick here to sortCivic amenity sitesClick here to sortBring sitesClick here to sortStreet recycling binsClick here to sortPrivate and voluntary collections
Aluminium cans1,14787111001,34411130001,458
Aluminium foil000000000000
Automotive batteries0969000969300-10971
Brown glass03861,183001,569000001,569
Car tyres1117100018210000183
Cardboard beverage packaging451333701222800000228
Chipboard and mdf000000000000
Clear glass2259872,319003,531000003,531
Co mingled materials233,57020,5791,75000255,89914,4746,3890-10,794-21,055244,912
Composite wood materials04,1940004,19402,3060006,500
Fire extinguishers000000000000
Gas bottles19694002273640000740
Green glass3495212,896003,766000003,766
Green waste only112,098107,0739,26404,331232,7673,57050-741-268235,332
HDPE [2]372000037200000372
Ink & toner cartridges172000279000036
Large vehicle tyres200002000002
LDPE [4]000000000000
Mineral oil077290078150000786
Mixed cans8,166582687509,43929160009,736
Mixed garden and food waste142,475194000142,6693900-9-72142,628
Mixed glass62,0287,59019,633249089,5008,17412800097,802
Mixed paper and card24,8102,7498,37395036,026665900-5036,775
Mixed Plastic Bottles9,7165523854010,6570590-3010,713
Mixed tyres3485660011961296000997
Other compostable waste1,779364006,4148,55745,990000-1,10553,442
Other materials93,6512701,2414,9282,7936,1720-275013,618
OTHER PLASTICS [7]931,22510001,3273640001,367
Other scrap metal15230,9513015531,2611,3531,4340-44034,004
PET [1]138000013800000138
Post consumer, non automotive batteries178430110410000105
PP [5]000000000000
PS [6]0531300650000065
PVC [3]0300030700010
Steel cans3,9564191004,0870940004,182
Textiles & footwear1,3135,3205,365089412,8931800-247012,664
Van tyres000000000000
Vegetable oil011500011500000115
Video tapes, DVDs and CDs1060000700000070
Waste food only78,173000078,1734,72700-6-5382,841
WEEE - Cathode Ray Tubes7611,875401611,97125000-44012,177
WEEE - Flourescent tubes and other light bulbs076001765000081
WEEE - Fridges & Freezers9236,76800927,78337460-18807,677
WEEE - Large Domestic App6407,435001718,245010-3508,211
WEEE - Small Domestic App5813,827603513,9264230-34013,937
Wood for composting017020017140000175
Yellow Pages000000000000


Envi0013: Local Authority Municipal Waste Management Materials data 2009-10 onwards

Statistical Directorate, Welsh Government

Last update: November 2011
Was added to StatsWales: November 2011

Next Update: No longer updated.

Source: WasteDataFlow

From 1996-97 to 2003-04 data on municipal waste was collected through the Municipal Waste Management Survey. This survey was sent to all local authorities in Wales and England. From 1998-99 Wales achieved a 100 per cent response rate. For 1996-97 and 1997-98 missing data had to be estimated and so these two years are not strictly comparable with the others.

From 2004-05 the information for this report was collected using an online reporting system for waste data called 'WasteDataFlow' (WDF). In Wales this is managed by the Environment Agency Wales and the Waste Strategy Branch extract the information for the report from WDF.

From 2009-10 an expanded breakdown of materials by type was collected by WDF and this is shown here.

There may be some discrepancies in the tables, where the components do not sum up to the totals. These discrepancies are due to rounding.

Local Authority Municipal Waste data by quarter are also available on StatsWales. The quarterly data is provisional until the end of the year and is intended to provide an early indication of the results. The quarterly data excludes abandoned vehicles, rubble, incinerator residues and matter from beach cleansing, which are included in the annual data. Please refer to the annual data for the final results.

Municipal waste

