Tonnes of waste recycled/composted by material and source
Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
Envi0013: Local Authority Municipal Waste Management Materials data 2009-10 onwards
Statistical Directorate, Welsh Government
Last update: November 2011
Was added to StatsWales: November 2011
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: WasteDataFlow
From 1996-97 to 2003-04 data on municipal waste was collected through the Municipal Waste Management Survey. This survey was sent to all local authorities in Wales and England. From 1998-99 Wales achieved a 100 per cent response rate. For 1996-97 and 1997-98 missing data had to be estimated and so these two years are not strictly comparable with the others.
From 2004-05 the information for this report was collected using an online reporting system for waste data called 'WasteDataFlow' (WDF). In Wales this is managed by the Environment Agency Wales and the Waste Strategy Branch extract the information for the report from WDF.
From 2009-10 an expanded breakdown of materials by type was collected by WDF and this is shown here.
There may be some discrepancies in the tables, where the components do not sum up to the totals. These discrepancies are due to rounding.
Local Authority Municipal Waste data by quarter are also available on StatsWales. The quarterly data is provisional until the end of the year and is intended to provide an early indication of the results. The quarterly data excludes abandoned vehicles, rubble, incinerator residues and matter from beach cleansing, which are included in the annual data. Please refer to the annual data for the final results.
Was added to StatsWales: November 2011
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: WasteDataFlow
From 1996-97 to 2003-04 data on municipal waste was collected through the Municipal Waste Management Survey. This survey was sent to all local authorities in Wales and England. From 1998-99 Wales achieved a 100 per cent response rate. For 1996-97 and 1997-98 missing data had to be estimated and so these two years are not strictly comparable with the others.
From 2004-05 the information for this report was collected using an online reporting system for waste data called 'WasteDataFlow' (WDF). In Wales this is managed by the Environment Agency Wales and the Waste Strategy Branch extract the information for the report from WDF.
From 2009-10 an expanded breakdown of materials by type was collected by WDF and this is shown here.
There may be some discrepancies in the tables, where the components do not sum up to the totals. These discrepancies are due to rounding.
Local Authority Municipal Waste data by quarter are also available on StatsWales. The quarterly data is provisional until the end of the year and is intended to provide an early indication of the results. The quarterly data excludes abandoned vehicles, rubble, incinerator residues and matter from beach cleansing, which are included in the annual data. Please refer to the annual data for the final results.
Municipal waste