Municipal waste produced per person by local authority and quarter
Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
Envi0005: Municipal Waste Management by Quarter
Knowledge and Analytical Services Welsh Government
Last update: 28 June 2012
Was added to StatsWales: 28 June 2012
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: WasteDataFlow
In Wales local authority municipal waste includes material from domestic and commercial properties that is collected by, or on behalf of the 22 local authorities. Results for the amount and type of waste collected and how it is disposed of are collected through the WasteDataFlow system.
The regulations in Wales require that local authorities submit their data to WasteDataFlow each quarter. Each quarterly summary is therefore based on returns from all 22 authorities. It is important to note there are inter-seasonal differences between the data for each quarter and each local authority. These differences may be due to the fact that some local authorities have a higher tonnage in July to September due to an influx of tourists. The composting figures are usually lower in quarters 3 and 4 due to lower amounts of garden waste generated outside the growing season. At various times, local authorities also introduce new services, for example collections of food waste, so composting figures for the relevant quarter will be higher than the previous quarter. Taking all of these factors into account a degree of caution is needed when carrying out comparisons between successive quarters and each local authority.
Given that the quarterly results are provisional this release tries to strike a balance between publishing early results and waiting for more secure data. As the series develops we would welcome feedback about how well we achieve this balance.
Figures for April to June, July to September, October to December 2011 and January to March 2012 are provisional and are subject to revision once end of year results have been calculated.
Abandoned vehicles, rubble, incinerator residues and matter from beach cleansing are excluded from all results in this release. Results for these items are included in the annual municipal waste management report, which is published in the Autumn of each year.
In the tables where figures have been rounded to the nearest final digit, the constituent items may not add up exactly to the total.
This data is currently outside the scope of National Statistics.
Was added to StatsWales: 28 June 2012
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: WasteDataFlow
In Wales local authority municipal waste includes material from domestic and commercial properties that is collected by, or on behalf of the 22 local authorities. Results for the amount and type of waste collected and how it is disposed of are collected through the WasteDataFlow system.
The regulations in Wales require that local authorities submit their data to WasteDataFlow each quarter. Each quarterly summary is therefore based on returns from all 22 authorities. It is important to note there are inter-seasonal differences between the data for each quarter and each local authority. These differences may be due to the fact that some local authorities have a higher tonnage in July to September due to an influx of tourists. The composting figures are usually lower in quarters 3 and 4 due to lower amounts of garden waste generated outside the growing season. At various times, local authorities also introduce new services, for example collections of food waste, so composting figures for the relevant quarter will be higher than the previous quarter. Taking all of these factors into account a degree of caution is needed when carrying out comparisons between successive quarters and each local authority.
Given that the quarterly results are provisional this release tries to strike a balance between publishing early results and waiting for more secure data. As the series develops we would welcome feedback about how well we achieve this balance.
Figures for April to June, July to September, October to December 2011 and January to March 2012 are provisional and are subject to revision once end of year results have been calculated.
Abandoned vehicles, rubble, incinerator residues and matter from beach cleansing are excluded from all results in this release. Results for these items are included in the annual municipal waste management report, which is published in the Autumn of each year.
In the tables where figures have been rounded to the nearest final digit, the constituent items may not add up exactly to the total.
This data is currently outside the scope of National Statistics.
Municipal waste, local authority, recycling