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Data Provider: Welsh Government Fly-tipping prosecution outcomes by year

These figures are published as Official Statistics. It should be noted that the number of prosecutions carried out by local authorities does not necessarily equal the number of offenders, as offenders can be prosecuted for multiple incidents. It should also be noted that prosecutions do not necessarily take place in the same year as the relevant fly-tipping incident occurs.

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Variable 1
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[Collapse]Prosecution outcomes425972109821068785(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.105(..) One Local Authority (Flintshire) was unable to provide data for July 2015 to March 2016.  Estimates for these months have been used based on data for the previous year.53537512232189459102
Prosecution outcomesAbsolute / conditional discharge167711099(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.14(..) One Local Authority (Flintshire) was unable to provide data for July 2015 to March 2016.  Estimates for these months have been used based on data for the previous year.385811322
Community service00262224(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.2(..) One Local Authority (Flintshire) was unable to provide data for July 2015 to March 2016.  Estimates for these months have been used based on data for the previous year.300420010
Fine4051589476767364(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.85(..) One Local Authority (Flintshire) was unable to provide data for July 2015 to March 2016.  Estimates for these months have been used based on data for the previous year.4747591182917755570
Custodial sentence002001410(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.0(..) One Local Authority (Flintshire) was unable to provide data for July 2015 to March 2016.  Estimates for these months have been used based on data for the previous year.004200010
Other (successful)01022314(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.3(..) One Local Authority (Flintshire) was unable to provide data for July 2015 to March 2016.  Estimates for these months have been used based on data for the previous year.00500015030
Cases lost11301114(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.1(..) One Local Authority (Flintshire) was unable to provide data for July 2015 to March 2016.  Estimates for these months have been used based on data for the previous year.000100100


General description

Summary of fly-tipping incidents, enforcement actions and prosecution outcomes.

Data collection and calculation

The statistics are based on the returns made by local authorities to the Waste Data Flow database. The statistics do not cover fly-tipping incidents on private land, and not all incidents of fly-tipping will be reported to the local authority.

The costs for the size categories (single items, single black bags, car boot or less, small van loads and transit van loads) are set in the system based on national averages. For the other categories (tipper lorry loads and significant multiple loads), the costs are entered by the local authority. As these costs vary, a rise or decrease in incidents will not necessarily have the same rise or decrease in costs.

It should be noted that prosecutions do not necessarily take place in the same year as the relevant fly-tipping incident occurs.

Whilst fly-tipping figures are no longer designated as “National Statistics”, they continue to be published in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2006-07 onwards

Users, uses and context

Data on fly-tipping in Wales is collected in order to help the Welsh Government, local authorities and other agencies to monitor the situation in Wales

Revisions information

Revisions are marked with an (r).


Local Authority Recorded Fly-tipping

Last update

November 2024 November 2024

Next update

November 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

WasteDataFlow, Natural Resources Wales

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see



Statistical quality

The statistics are based on the returns made by local authorities to the Waste Data Flow database. The statistics do not cover fly-tipping incidents on private land, and not all incidents of fly-tipping will be reported to the local authority.

Further data is provided in the Quality Report.