Total staff by local authority and working hours
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Youth service workforce - All staff by type and working hoursLast update
30 October 2024Next update
October 2025Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Youth Service data collection, Welsh GovernmentContact email
Management informationLowest level of geographical disaggregation
Local authoritiesGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English onlyData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see, uses and context
Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.Rounding applied
NoneRevisions information
Data prior to the last period covered have been revised since previously published. Revisions are marked in the data with an (r).As these data also form part of other data collections, for example counts of properties which are compliant with the Welsh Housing Quality Standard, it is possible that the data will be subject to minor revision in due course. If necessary, for example where revisions are significant, these amendments will also be included in a revised formal release of data (see weblinks).
General description
The information presented here shows breakdown of total staffing levels in the Welsh Youth Service by local authority and working hours.Data collection and calculation
The information presented here is collected via annual returns from local authorities as at 31 March each year. Please refer to the guidance notes and data collection form for a description of the criteria for each question and details of the format in which the data are collected (see weblinks).Frequency of publication
AnnualData reference periods
For the 2010-11 and 2011-12 surveys, there has been a considerable amount of work on guidance and definitions to ensure a consistent approach between authorities, to clarify some known issues with earlier surveys, and to reflect current policy. As such, this dataset does not contain any direct comparisons with years prior to 2010-11, as it would provide an inaccurate picture in terms of qualitative outcomes and impact. Data for prior years can be found in the sub-folder ‘Data to 2009-10’.Keywords
Youth service, Children, Young people, Workforce, Registered members, Contacts, Accreditations, Income, Expenditure, Settings, ProjectsStatistical quality
Please find more on this in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.Note that the quality of the data collected through this survey continues to develop, as centrally we improve the guidance and definitions used within the survey, and locally youth services refine their management systems, which were purchased using funding from the Welsh Government revenue grant allocation for 2009-10, to ensure that all the data gathered for the audit is robust, current and accurate. Both of these issues impact upon the comparability of data from year to year.
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