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Data Provider: Welsh Government Experimental Statistics Support staff by measure (full-person equivalent (FPE) and full-time equivalent (FTE)) and staff category
[Collapse]Local authority[Filtered]
Local authority 1[Filter]
[Collapse]School medium type[Filtered]
School medium type 1[Filter]
Sector 1[Filter]
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[Collapse]Staff category[Filter]
Staff category 1
Click here to sortFull-Time Equivalent (FTE)The FTE shows individuals split by the proportion of full-contract time they spend in each role. A FTE of 10 is equal to people working a full time contract in any role. See our statistical release for further information.Click here to sortFull-Person Equivalent (FPE)The FPE shows individuals split by the proportion of working time they spend in each role. A FPE of 10 is equal to 10 people working their whole time in 1 role. See our statistical release for further information.
[Collapse]Total: Support Staff48,02061,015
Total: Support StaffHigher level teaching assistantHigher level teaching assistant (HLTA)2,8003,190
Teaching assistantsTeaching assistants or aides employed in the classroom25,64030,890
Foreign language assistantsForeign language assistants or language support4055
SEN/ALN co-ordinatorIncludes individuals where SEN/ALN co-ordinator is their main role only.425530
SEN/ALN support staffSEN/ALN support staff5,9957,150
School business managerSchool business manager or equivalent710750
Pastoral support staff2,0302,220
ICT staff535560
Administration staff4,8605,730
Science and laboratory technicians585675
Librarians and library assistants110130
Matrons/nurses/medical staffMatrons or nurses or medical staff (including NHS employees)6065
Examinations officers/Invigilators345555
Midday supervisors1,3104,760
Advisory staff*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.
Other support staff2,5853,745


General description

The data covers different aspects of the school workforce in Wales, using the data collected from the School Workforce Annual Census (SWAC).

Data collection and calculation

School's data are derived from the School Workforce Annual Census (SWAC) returns in November each year.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

From 2019/20 onwards

Users, uses and context

For the 2020 data, the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and the Full-Person Equivalent (FPE) were introduced to help communicate the distribution of the school workforce. Both the FTE and the FPE take into account that an individual may work in more than role. These measures differ to the Headcount (first published for the 2019 dataset) which counts individuals in their highest (most senior) role only.

The full-time equivalent (FTE) is an employee's scheduled hours divided by the employer's hours for a full-time workweek e.g. a part-time worker employed for 20 hours a week where full-time work is 40 hours is counted as 0.5 FTE.

The FPE is the proportion of a person's total working time that is spent in a particular role. As the FPE is concerned with the individual, a person's FPE will always sum to 1, even if their FTE is not equal to 1.

Rounding applied

* = numbers greater than zero but less than five. Support Staff numbers have been rounded to the nearest 5.


Support staff by measure (Full-Person Equivalent (FPE) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)) and staff category

Last update

July 2024 July 2024

Next update

July 2025 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

School Workforce Annual Census

Contact email


Experimental statistics

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


SWAC; Support Staff; Workforce; FTE; FPE

Statistical quality

The information collected from 2019 to 2023 have not undergone a formal final validation period. However, various stages of automated validation and sense-checking are built into the process to ensure a high quality of data to inform policy making. A final validation period is being considered to be introduced for future collections for schools and LAs to review the information they return, and re-submit their data where errors are identified prior to publication.

