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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Number of vacancies on the school governing body on census day in primary, middle, secondary and special schools, by local authority, region and year
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Click here to sort2012/13Click here to sort2013/14Click here to sort2014/15Click here to sort2015/16Click here to sort2016/17Click here to sort2017/18Click here to sort2018/19Click here to sort2019/20Whilst most of the usual data validation processes on the 2020 school census data have taken place, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the data did not undergo the usual final validation process. As part of the Welsh Local Government Finance Settlement, the data is usually returned to local authorities for final validation. Typically, overall numbers of pupils and teachers will not change significantly during this period, with the most likely change being in the characteristics of the pupils themselves e.g. free school meal entitlement. Users should therefore be more cautious when comparing data on characteristics of pupils and staff over time, in particular where small cohorts are involved.Click here to sort2020/21The schools census would usually take place in January. School closures between December 2020 and March 2021 due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic meant that the census date was delayed to 20 April 2021. The number of pupils was higher in April 2021 partly due to the later census date which meant that more pupils had entered nursery classes by the census date.Click here to sort2021/22The schools census would usually take place in January. Due to the level of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in January 2022, the census date was delayed to 15 February 2022.Click here to sort2022/23Click here to sort2023/24
[Collapse]WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.1,2961,2961,3481,4411,5061,5321,4311,3801,5901,7271,7041,729
WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.[Collapse]North WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.309335344354393407378349444507531489
North WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.Isle of AngleseyNorth Wales283334374030272542453248
GwyneddNorth Wales544452515247653959519077
ConwyNorth Wales413950424555624986867576
DenbighshireNorth Wales486343527779705361827574
FlintshireNorth Wales71756878717173909310510588
WrexhamNorth Wales678197941081258193103138154126
[Collapse]South West and Mid WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.421377429432497466448440457547517534
South West and Mid WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.PowysSouth West and Mid Wales6262836910099849098106113115
CeredigionSouth West and Mid Wales384427343646513726383029
PembrokeshireSouth West and Mid Wales715061636264554461716370
CarmarthenshireSouth West and Mid Wales79741109994889410910310710399
SwanseaSouth West and Mid Wales857689105114115108113109137132136
Neath Port TalbotSouth West and Mid Wales867159629154564760887685
[Collapse]Central South WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.350369380403400431367338413426428458
Central South WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.BridgendCentral South Wales475066697179826983106118126
Vale of GlamorganCentral South Wales233650323833403939434756
Rhondda Cynon TafCentral South Wales112113124132122142106103110114115140
Merthyr TydfilCentral South Wales21292330252931142628228
CardiffCentral South Wales147141117140144148108113155135126128
[Collapse]South East WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.216215195252216228238253276247228248
South East WalesThere are four formal Education consortia in Wales covering: North Wales, South West and Mid Wales, Central South Wales, South East Wales.CaerphillySouth East Wales1029389109102991029314811790105
Blaenau GwentSouth East Wales211917301924343517233534
TorfaenSouth East Wales333029232129324139392827
MonmouthshireSouth East Wales312923352232324026303436
NewportSouth East Wales294437555244384446384146



Number of vacancies on the school governing body on census day in primary, middle, secondary and special schools, by local authority, region and year

Last update

31/07/2024 31/07/2024

Next update

July 2025 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

See other items

Data collection and calculation

Schools’ data are derived from the Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC) returns and STATS 1 returns supplied by schools open on Census day in January each year. The returns are authorised by headteachers and validated by Local Authorities.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

From 2003/04 or more recently if the data item is not available for earlier years.

Statistical quality

School Census returns are authorised by headteachers and validated by Local Authorities.

Whilst most of the usual data validation processes on the 2020 school census data have taken place, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the data did not undergo the usual final validation process. As part of the Welsh Local Government Finance Settlement, the data is usually returned to local authorities for final validation. Typically, overall numbers of pupils and teachers will not change significantly during this period, with the most likely change being in the characteristics of the pupils themselves e.g. free school meal entitlement. Users should therefore be more cautious when comparing data on characteristics of pupils and staff over time, in particular where small cohorts are involved.

