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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Reports of additional learning or special educational needs by sector and type of need

The number of times each ALN or SEN type was reported e.g. if types 'Dyslexia' and 'Dyspraxia' are reported for a pupil that pupil is counted twice, once under each type. The number of reports will therefore be greater than the number of pupils with SEN.

Click here to sortModerate learning difficultiesFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortGeneral learning difficultiesFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortSevere learning difficultiesFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortProfound & multiple learning difficultiesFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortDyslexiaFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortDyscalculiaFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortDyspraxiaFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortAutistic Spectrum DisordersFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortPhysical and medical difficultiesFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortHearing impairmentFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortVisual impairmentFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortMulti-sensory impairmentFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortSpeech, language and communication difficultiesFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.Click here to sortBehavioural, emotional and social difficultiesFrom January 2017 maintained schools were allowed to report as many types of special educational need for a pupil as required and the ranking of those needs was removed. The \'Major need\' used in earlier publications no longer applies and therefore the figures are not directly comparable with previous years.
Nursery schoolsNursery: age under 5*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.*Numbers greater than zero but less than five..The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable100*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.10520195
Primary schoolsPrimary: ages 3/4 to 10.45,82083,9955,1151,78510,7708951,7156,18525,50020,4857,9653,580790110,47576,930
Middle schoolsMiddle: ages 3/4 to 16/18.4,0455,0103651052,7603252758252,4001,905725290555,2905,880
Secondary schoolsSecondary: ages 11 to 16/18.40,54560,4802,73056027,7551,9703,54011,67022,44015,5607,4403,46035531,97066,385
Special schoolsSpecial schools, both day and boarding, provide education for children with Special Educational Needs who cannot be educated satisfactorily in mainstream schools.4,35096012,1103,600185*Numbers greater than zero but less than five.1401,61515,8456,1051,0201,17040010,9607,270



Reports of Special Educational Needs (SEN) by sector and type of need.

Last update

31/07/2024 31/07/2024

Next update

July 2025 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

See other items

Data collection and calculation

Schools’ data are derived from the Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC) returns and STATS 1 returns supplied by schools open on Census day in January each year. The returns are authorised by headteachers and validated by Local Authorities.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

From January 2017

Rounding applied

* = Numbers greater than zero but less than five. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 5.

Statistical quality

School Census returns are authorised by headteachers and validated by Local Authorities.

Whilst most of the usual data validation processes on the 2020 school census data have taken place, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the data did not undergo the usual final validation process. As part of the Welsh Local Government Finance Settlement, the data is usually returned to local authorities for final validation. Typically, overall numbers of pupils and teachers will not change significantly during this period, with the most likely change being in the characteristics of the pupils themselves e.g. free school meal entitlement. Users should therefore be more cautious when comparing data on characteristics of pupils and staff over time, in particular where small cohorts are involved.

