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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Permanent exclusions by alternative provision and year

Permanent exclusions by alternative provision and year

Gender 1[Filter]
Exclusion TypeFixed-term exclusions can be 5 days or less or 6 days or more.[Filtered]
Click here to sort2002/03Click here to sort2003/04Click here to sort2004/05Click here to sort2005/06Click here to sort2006/07Click here to sort2007/08Click here to sort2008/09Click here to sort2009/10Click here to sort2010/11Click here to sort2011/12Click here to sort2012/13
[Collapse]Permanentto Mainstream SchoolMaintained Primary or Secondary School.10381667959544840241825
to Home Tuition11815614311085585024472315
to Special School15914178555304
to PRU3941483935343852402431
to Bridge CourseFurther Education College,4426313058119423
to Other224303223211113965
Moved out of LA24211711104119784
No Provision5038373614133933242112
Alternative Not Yet Finalised233973774343..|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected.
Independent Appeal Reinstatement156791..|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected...|indicates that the category was not collected.
Provision Total43942046543829124121318515810299


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SCHS0142 Wales Exclusions