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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Permanent and fixed-term exclusions by ethnicity
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Exclusion TypeFixed-term exclusions can be 5 days or less or 6 days or more.[Filtered]
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[Collapse]Permanent[Collapse]5 days or fewer[Collapse]6 days or more
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2002/03[Collapse]All pupils44514392253982379104812,65018358311,6700162402,028401081,840
All pupilsBoys442135922332319637569,7271294698,9660131701,61528961,461
2003/04[Collapse]All pupils05504209133887882170514,40218063913,24810151812,12824961,964
All pupilsBoys05403468113186772135511,06711650110,1717141811,70222781,562
2004/05[Collapse]All pupils256046543841098156145817,6612781,15015,82618252102,581241452,348
All pupilsBoys256037423032973139119613,38713585212,06317252001,996191111,804
2005/06[Collapse]All pupils431243811203971951491351617,80231683516,1561912902,338511012,146
All pupilsBoys421232010172841791241021213,43924963812,1351610801,80045791,642
2006/07[Collapse]All pupils103202918726198134144317,8453161,02716,12313182102,251401142,045
All pupilsBoys102202236619783111114313,55722776112,25812171701,71438901,540
2007/08[Collapse]All pupils1002024155219140142165317,36529893315,68418161211,86329871,700
All pupilsBoys1002019944179126117133313,08722073411,7541514811,45718671,334
2008/09[Collapse]All pupils425021321199170160197417,43336243416,10614202201,60139441,462
All pupilsBoys214016321153129125155313,29029234212,24411191701,22629301,120
2009/10[Collapse]All pupils112018583170343120171216,73638171215,00730152101,54244401,392
All pupilsBoys112015373139262106150112,72329954711,35822111601,17634331,060
2010/11[Collapse]All pupils260015876137373124178216,81841138315,34731121201,48038301,357
All pupilsBoys26001166597279106153112,81730930711,66222111101,11933271,015
2011/12[Collapse]All pupils20001026292203137150016,27943655914,7941361101,22942391,118
All pupilsBoys2000753169136115137012,38433542611,235115909313529842
2012/13[Collapse]All pupils1000991493110109117314,31630833213,337176601,0072527926
All pupilsBoys1000721367719499310,97323025810,218154607842223714


SCHS0142: Permanent Exclusions from Schools - Wales

School Statistics, Welsh Assembly Government

<TITLE>SCHS0071: Permanent Exclusions from Schools - Wales</TITLE>
Source: Pupils' Attendance Record, Welsh Assembly Government

<p>Contact: <a></a>

<p>Data on pupils excluded during each school term in Wales is collected from Local Authorities via the Welsh Assembly Government Statistical Directorate's Exclusion Monitoring Form.

<p>The data relate to permanent and fixed-term exclusions from maintained primary schools, secondary schools, special schools and pupil referral units in Wales. Please note that an individual pupil may be excluded more than once. This includes only exclusions from schools within the local authority, as opposed to exclusions of residents who attend schools in other local authorities. Permanent exclusions only include those that have been upheld by the Governing Body's Pupil Discipline Committee. A single, main reason is given for each occurrence of exclusion.

<p>Due to the effect of managed moves, comparisons over time for permanent exclusions should be interpreted with caution. However, not all Local Authorities have seen a decrease in the number of permanent exclusions.

<p>A <b>permanent exclusion</b> refers to a pupil who is excluded and their name is removed from the school register. Such a pupil would then be educated at another school or via some form of alternative provision.

<p>A <b>fixed-term exclusion</b> refers to a pupil who is excluded from a school but remains on the register of that school because they are expected to return when the exclusion period is completed.

<p>A <b>managed move</b> is an arrangement whereby parents of pupils in danger of exclusion agree with schools and local authorities that it is in the best interests of their child that they be removed from the roll of the current school and placed in another educational establishment.

<p><b>Alternative provision</b> information relates to the actual provision being made for permanently excluded pupils on the sixteenth school day after exclusion. A single category is recorded for each case of exclusion.

Exclusion; Expulsion; Suspension


SCHS0142 Wales Exclusions