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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Fixed term exclusions by days lost and year
Gender 1[Filter]
Exclusion TypeFixed-term exclusions can be 5 days or less or 6 days or more.[Filtered]
Click here to sort2002/03Click here to sort2003/04Click here to sort2004/05Click here to sort2005/06Click here to sort2006/07Click here to sort2007/08Click here to sort2008/09Click here to sort2009/10Click here to sort2010/11Click here to sort2011/12Click here to sort2012/13
[Collapse]Fixed-termDays Lost to Fixed Term 5 Days or Less31,804.0035,926.0042,866.0042,984.0043,898.0040,479.0039,467.0036,398.0035,371.0033,372.0028,017.00
Days Lost to Fixed Term 6 Days or More23,613.0024,433.0028,595.0025,703.0025,430.0020,222.0017,083.0016,123.0015,097.0013,036.009,783.00
Days Lost to Fixed Term Exclusions55,417.0060,359.0071,462.0068,687.0069,328.0060,701.0056,550.0052,521.0050,469.0046,408.0037,800.00


SCHS0142: Permanent Exclusions from Schools - Wales

School Statistics, Welsh Assembly Government

<TITLE>SCHS0071: Permanent Exclusions from Schools - Wales</TITLE>
Source: Pupils' Attendance Record, Welsh Assembly Government

<p>Contact: <a></a>

<p>Data on pupils excluded during each school term in Wales is collected from Local Authorities via the Welsh Assembly Government Statistical Directorate's Exclusion Monitoring Form.

<p>The data relate to permanent and fixed-term exclusions from maintained primary schools, secondary schools, special schools and pupil referral units in Wales. Please note that an individual pupil may be excluded more than once. This includes only exclusions from schools within the local authority, as opposed to exclusions of residents who attend schools in other local authorities. Permanent exclusions only include those that have been upheld by the Governing Body's Pupil Discipline Committee. A single, main reason is given for each occurrence of exclusion.

<p>Due to the effect of managed moves, comparisons over time for permanent exclusions should be interpreted with caution. However, not all Local Authorities have seen a decrease in the number of permanent exclusions.

<p>A <b>permanent exclusion</b> refers to a pupil who is excluded and their name is removed from the school register. Such a pupil would then be educated at another school or via some form of alternative provision.

<p>A <b>fixed-term exclusion</b> refers to a pupil who is excluded from a school but remains on the register of that school because they are expected to return when the exclusion period is completed.

<p>A <b>managed move</b> is an arrangement whereby parents of pupils in danger of exclusion agree with schools and local authorities that it is in the best interests of their child that they be removed from the roll of the current school and placed in another educational establishment.

<p><b>Alternative provision</b> information relates to the actual provision being made for permanently excluded pupils on the sixteenth school day after exclusion. A single category is recorded for each case of exclusion.

Exclusion; Expulsion; Suspension


SCHS0142 Wales Exclusions