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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Key Stage 4 core indicators by Free School Meal entitlement and gender (legacy data)

This cube covered data published in the Welsh Government's annual "Examination Results" release. The annual release shows this data at Wales level, in this table, the figures are shown for regional consortia and local authorities. From 2018/19 the Welsh government has introduced a new set of performance measures that includes the Literacy point score, the Numeracy point score and the Science point score. For these new measures please see the ‘Key Stage 4 Interim Measures by FSM and Gender, from 2018/19’ table.

[Collapse]AreaData can be viewed at a Wales level or broken down by the regional consortia or local authorities. The figures for Wales include all 15 year olds in Wales, including those from Independent school. Figures for Consortia and Local Authorities only include pupils from maintained schools. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Area 1[Filter]
Area 2[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
Economic Action Plan Area Code[Filter]
Economic Action Plan Area[Filter]
Economic Action Plan Area 1[Filter]
[Collapse]GenderBoys, Girls and Pupils [Filter]
Gender 1(Ascending)
Click here to sortCohortFrom 2015/16, cohort based on pupils in Year 11. Up to 2014/15, cohort based on pupils aged 15 at the start of the academic year.Click here to sortPercentage achieving A*-C in EnglishPercentage of pupils aged 15 who achieved a Level 2 (A*-C GCSE or equivalent) core English language or literature qualification. \'Core\' is defined as contributing the the Core Subject Indicator (CSI).Click here to sortPercentage achieving A*-C in Maths (best of)Percentage of pupils aged 15 who achieved a Level 2 (A*-C GCSE or equivalent) core Maths qualification. \'Core\' is defined as contributing the the Core Subject Indicator (CSI). From 2016/17, the best of GCSE Mathematics/ Mathematics - Numeracy is used to calculate the overall Mathematics A*-C.Click here to sortPercentage achieving A*-C in GCSE MathematicsClick here to sortPercentage achieving A*-C in GCSE Mathematics - NumeracyClick here to sortPercentage achieving A*-C in SciencePercentage of pupils aged 15 who achieved a Level 2 (A*-C GCSE or equivalent) core Science qualification. \'Core\' is defined as contributing the the Core Subject Indicator (CSI).Click here to sortNumber entering Welsh first languageNumber of pupils aged 15 entering level 2  Core Welsh first language qualifications.Click here to sortPercentage achieving A*-C in Welsh first languagePercentage of those pupils aged 15 entering a core Welsh first language qualification, who achieved Level 2 (A*-C GCSE or equivalent) in a core Welsh first language (inc. Literature) qualification.
Eligible for FSM[Collapse]All Pupils4,43338.739.335.033.738.342646.9
All PupilsBoys2,31531.039.634.334.837.320039.5
Not eligible for FSM[Collapse]All Pupils25,00868.970.065.964.369.64,82277.0
All PupilsBoys12,76460.569.364.364.466.82,38667.6
All Pupils[Collapse]All Pupils30,37162.663.659.458.063.05,26674.3
All PupilsBoys15,68253.962.457.557.759.92,59465.3



Key Stage 4 indicators by Free School Meal entitlement

Last update

December 2019 December 2019

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Welsh Examinations Database, Welsh Government (via Awarding Organisations and a contracted collection body)

Source 2

Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This table covers data published in the Welsh Government's annual "Examination Results" release. It provides information on headline indicators for Year 11 pupils by free school meal entitlement (FSM). For more information see the Weblinks.

Rounding applied

Percentages are shown as whole numbers and have been rounded to 0 decimal places.

Statistical quality

For more Information see the notes section of the Examination Results release (See Weblinks)



