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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics AS level entries and results (pupils aged 16 only) by subject group

This table covers data published in the Welsh Government’s annual "Examination Results" release. It provides information on the number of AS level entries into each subject group and the percentage of those entries achieving each AS level grade. The default view shows the most up to date results, historic years can be selected from the year drop down menu. For more information see the Web links.

Gender 1[Filter]
Click here to sortNumber of entriesNumber of exam entries for the listed subject in that academic year. Discounted entries have been removed.Click here to sortPercentage achieving an APercentage of those entries that achieved an A.Click here to sortPercentage achieving a BPercentage of those entries that achieved an B.Click here to sortPercentage achieving a CPercentage of those entries that achieved an C.Click here to sortPercentage achieving a DPercentage of those entries that achieved an D.Click here to sortPercentage achieving an EPercentage of those entries that achieved an E.Click here to sortPercentage achieving A-CPercentage of those entries that achieved A-C.Click here to sortPercentage achieving A-EPercentage of those entries that achieved an A-E.Click here to sortPercentage of entries that were ungradedPercentage of those entries that were ungraded.
Biological Sciences10,896867486877424640793
Single Science0.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Other SciencesCan include AS level subjects such as, Electronics, Envoronmental Science, Geology, Science in Society and/or Science for Public Understanding.7867067977973235387113
Craft, Design & TechnologyCan include AS level subjects such as Design & Technology, D&T Textiles Techology, D&T Food Technology, D&T Systems & Control and/or D&T Product Design.3,71134691001129020340496
Home Economics931153275794920397
Business Studies4,09045811031107922841783
Social StudiesCan include AS level subjects such as Archaeology, Law, Logic/Philosophy, Government and Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Citizenship and/or Critical Thinking.14,6916386102846825040298
Vocational StudiesCan include AS level Subjects such as Accounting & Finance.170111183252213169
Art & DesignCan include AS level Subjects such as Art, Art & Design, Art & Design (Graphics), Art & Design (Photography), Art & Design (Textiles), Art & Design (3D Studies), Art & Design (Critical Studies), History of Art and/or Art & Design (Fine Art).7,019109131128694036847723
Classical StudiesCan include AS level Subjects such as Classics (General), Ancient History, Classical Civilisation, Classical Greek and/or Latin.15635911121129423844456
Communication Studies3,651511051491115030446634
English Language3,420601011441185530547822
English Literature7,422711131421074732748119
Other Modern Foreign LanguagesCan include AS level Subjects such as Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, Gujarati, Italian, Japanese, Modern Greek, Modern Hebrew, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Punjabi, Turkish and/or Urdu.13323412557371141646337
Physical Education3,02352749210411021943367
Religious Studies6,75289111105866230545248
Welsh Second Language1,345721081331095231247426
General Studies*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.
Applied Art & Design (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable*,..|figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.,The data item is not applicable
Applied Business (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.950214255492311718911
Applied Engineering (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.5.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Applied ICT (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.1,005224998906717032773
Applied Science (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.4138294757348317426
Health & Social Care (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.2,751331001531165928646139
Leisure & Recreation (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.0.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Media: Communication & Production (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.0.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Performing Arts (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.1037454439459718119
Travel & Tourism (VQ)Vocational Award AS levels were awarded for the first time in 2005/06.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.*figure is less than 5, or is based on a figure less than 5 so the value has been removed to avoid disclosure.
All Subjects132,6858393106886228243268



AS level entries and results (pupils aged 16 only) by subject group

Last update

December 2019 December 2019

Next update

December 2020 (Provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Welsh Examinations Database, Welsh Government (via Awarding Organisations and a contracted collection body)

Source 2

Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

For more Information see the notes section of the Examination Results release (See Weblinks)


AS level; KS5

General description

This table covers data published in the Welsh Government's annual "Examination Results" release. It provides information on the number of AS level entries into each subject group and the percentage of those entries achieving each AS level grade. For more information see the Weblinks.

Rounding applied

Percentages are shown as whole numbers and have been rounded to 0 decimal places.

