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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Number of pupils by year, type of registration, gender, and age group

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

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Click here to sortGirls registered solely with the PRUClick here to sortGirls aged 5-15 registered solely with the PRUBefore 2008/09 the earliest age group on the stats1 forms submitted by Pupil Referral Units was for pupils aged 5. In 2008/09 that age group was altered to pupils aged \'5 or less\'. Some of the pupils listed here for PRUs in 2008/09 may therefore have been under 5 years of age.Click here to sortGirls aged 16 and over registered solely with the PRUClick here to sortDually registered PupilsPupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school.Click here to sortDually registered Pupils aged 5-15Pupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school. Before 2008/09 the earliest age group on the stats1 forms submitted by Pupil Referral Units was for pupils aged 5. In 2008/09 that age group was altered to pupils aged \'5 or less\'. Some of the pupils listed here for PRUs in 2008/09 may therefore have been under 5 years of age.Click here to sortDually registered Pupils aged 16 and overPupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school.Click here to sortDually registered GirlsPupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school.Click here to sortDually registered Girls with a statement of SENPupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school.Click here to sortDually registered Girls aged 5-15Pupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school. Before 2008/09 the earliest age group on the stats1 forms submitted by Pupil Referral Units was for pupils aged 5. In 2008/09 that age group was altered to pupils aged \'5 or less\'. Some of the pupils listed here for PRUs in 2008/09 may therefore have been under 5 years of age.Click here to sortDually registered Girls aged 16 and overPupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school.Click here to sortDually registered BoysPupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school.Click here to sortDually registered Boys aged 5-15Pupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school. Before 2008/09 the earliest age group on the stats1 forms submitted by Pupil Referral Units was for pupils aged 5. In 2008/09 that age group was altered to pupils aged \'5 or less\'. Some of the pupils listed here for PRUs in 2008/09 may therefore have been under 5 years of age.Click here to sortDually registered Boys aged 16 and overPupils who are dually registered, that is they are registered at a unit as well as being registered at a school.Click here to sortBoys registered solely with the PRUClick here to sortBoys aged 5-15 registered solely with the PRUBefore 2008/09 the earliest age group on the stats1 forms submitted by Pupil Referral Units was for pupils aged 5. In 2008/09 that age group was altered to pupils aged \'5 or less\'. Some of the pupils listed here for PRUs in 2008/09 may therefore have been under 5 years of age.Click here to sortBoys aged 16 and over registered solely with the PRU
1994/9533321208207159..|The data item is not available58114914901611583
1995/9654540249249052..|The data item is not available52019719701651650


Pupil Referral Units - Wales

ELLS1, Welsh Assembly Government

Section 19 (1) of the Education Act 1996 requires LEAs to make arrangements for the provision of suitable education at schools or otherwise for children of compulsory school age who, for whatever reason of illness, exclusion from school or otherwise, may not for any period receive suitable education unless suitable arrangements are made for them. Section 19 (2) states that any school established to provide education for such children and which is not a county [community] or special school shall be known as a 'pupil referral unit'. Prior to 2010 the data was collected on the Stats1 form. As of January 2010, information for pupils in PRUs and educated other than at school is collected via the EOTAS (Educated Other Than At School) PLASC.

At January each year.
Last Updated: May 2010
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: Annual Schools Census (Stats1)

