Cumulative totals of applications for Education Maintenance Allowances by academic year and workstage
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Cumulative Totals of applications for EMAs, by academic year and workstageLast update
28 August 2024Next update
25 September 2024Publishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentContact email
National StatisticsLowest level of geographical disaggregation
WalesGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English onlyData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see description
This table presents the number of applications for Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs), to date in the current academic year, from students in Welsh schools or further education institutions.Data collection and calculation
Data seen here are taken from the SLC's official data warehouse and are based on the same definitions used for the Statistical First Release.Frequency of publication
MonthlyData reference periods
Data correct as at 31 July 2024The data are based on applications received as at the end of each calendar month.
Users, uses and context
EMAs were introduced for 16 year olds in the 2004/05 academic year with the scheme extended to 17 year olds in 2005/06 and 18 year olds in 2006/07 (19 year olds are also eligible in certain circumstances and therefore would be included in figures from 2007/08 onwards). The scheme is designed as an incentive for students from lower-income families to remain in full-time education after the age at which compulsory schooling ends. The EMA is a weekly allowance, paid fortnightly to students in Welsh institutions.From academic year 2011/12, students new to EMA could only qualify for an award of £30 per week and since April 2023 it is now £40 per week, depending on household income and family circumstances. Students who received EMA in 2010/11 who returned to education and met the same eligibility criteria as for 2010/11 continued getting their EMA at £10, £20 or £30 per week. These students have since exited the system.
Rounding applied
Figures are rounded to the nearest 5. Due to rounding the sums of some rows or columns may not add to the total figure given. Numbers less than 5 (but not zero) are represented by *Keywords
EMA; Further Education; FE; Post-16, Education Maintenance AllowanceStatistical quality
StatsWales figures are updated monthly and are correct at time of publication. They are subject to revisions following further SLC processing, for example due to applications being reclassified from EMA to Pathways to Apprenticeships or vice versa. For this reason, all figures should be treated as provisional until 30 September of the given academic year, since they are still subject to change (e.g. figures for 2023/24 are provisional until 30 September 2024).Previous years' data are confirmed as final. Data for years 2004/05 to 2008/09 are correct as at 8 March 2010.