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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Approved applications for Education Maintenance Allowances by LEA and type of award
[Collapse]AgeThe EMA Wales scheme is now available to 16, 17 and 18 year olds (and 19 year olds in certain circumstances*). For these monthly data, an age breakdown is not available.* A student aged 19 years old who presents a 4th year application, will be assessed against the following additional criteria:- He/she has not received more than 2 years support in the previous 3 years.- He/she applied for a 3rd year but withdrew before the 11th week of their course. This would be considered a false start and he/she could apply for a 4th year of support without any detrimental effect. [Filtered]
Age 1[Filter]
Learning CentreThe type of learning centre attended by the applicant in accordance with their most recent learning agreement. [Filtered]
Gender 1[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]Award TypeEMA award amounts were initially £10, £20 or £30 per week with bonus payments at specific dates in the year.<br />From 2011/12 EMA awards became £30 per week with no bonus payments.<br />From 17 April 2023 the £30 award was increased to £40 per week. The £30 award for 2022/23 includes payments made from the 17th April at the new higher amount.<br />[Filtered]
Award Type 1
[Expand]Click here to sortAll EMA Awards
[Collapse]All Applications15,510
All ApplicationsIsle Of Anglesey280
Neath Port Talbot830
The Vale Of Glamorgan560
Rhondda Cynon Taf1,350
Merthyr Tydfil330
Blaenau Gwent460
Outside Wales*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication
Unknown*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication



Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Last update

29 November 2023 29 November 2023

Next update

November 2024

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

Statistical quality

Figures are subject to revisions following further SLC processing, for example due to applications being reclassified from EMA to Pathways to Apprenticeships or vice versa.

General description

Source: Student Loans Company

This table presents information on the number of approved applications for Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs) from students in Welsh schools on further education institutions.

Data collection and calculation

Data is based on applications received by 31st August 2023, and were extracted on 4th October 2023.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

The current academic years' StatsWales figures are updated monthly and are correct at time of publication.

Users, uses and context

This table presents information on the number of approved applications for Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs) from students in Welsh schools or further education institutions. The EMA Wales scheme was introduced for 16 year olds in 2004/05, extended to include 17 year olds in 2005/06 and finally 18 year olds in 2006/07.

Data from 2007/08 onwards contain some 19 year olds who were eligible for support.

Data is based on applications received by 31st August 2023, and were extracted from the Student Loans Company on 1st September 2023.

The scheme is designed as an incentive for students from lower-income families to remain in full-time education after the age at which compulsory schooling ends. The EMA is a weekly allowance, paid fortnightly to students in Welsh institutions.
EMA award amounts were initially £10, £20 or £30 per week with bonus payments at specific dates in the year.
From 2011/12 EMA awards became £30 per week with no bonus payments.
From 17 April 2023 the £30 award was increased to £40 per week. The £30 award for 2022/23 includes payments made from the 17th April at the new higher amount.

Rounding applied

Most figures have been rounded to the nearest 10. Due to rounding the sums of some rows or columns may not add to the total figure given.

Revisions information

The data includes all approved qualifications. Prior to the amendment, 2013/14 and 2014/15 data only included approved qualifications with at least one payment.


Education Maintenance Allowance, funding for Further Education | Student Finance Wales


EMA; Education Maintenance Allowance; Further Education; FE; Post-16

