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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Highest qualification levels of working age adults in employment by occupation and qualification
QualificationNational Qualification Framework (NQF) level of the highest qualification held. Data have previously been presented as NVQ equivalencies. From September 2004, the National Qualification Framework (NQF) was expanded and the former levels 4 and 5 were divided into more precise levels (4-8). Data are now presented according to this classification. Some additional qualifications have been added to the the list included on the LFS questionnaire for 2004, which will slightly improve the estimates. A full list of the qualifications included for each NQF level can be found in the StatsWales folder that contained this table. However the following are EXAMPLE qualifications that included at each level:Below level 2: NVQ level 1, Entry Level qualifications, Basic SkillsLevel 2: NVQ level 2 or equivalent, 5 or more GCSE A*-C, 2 AS levelsLevel 3: 2 A level passes, 4 AS level passes, NVQ level 3, Advanced Welsh BaccLevels 4-6: First degrees, Foundation degrees, NVQ level 4Levels 7-8: Postgraduate qualifications, NVQ level 5 [Filtered]
OccupationOccupation group of working age adults in employment by main job according to Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) 2010. [Filter]
Click here to sortNo qualificationsPersons who reported holding no qualificationsClick here to sortQualified to below level 2Persons who are qualified to below level 2 and no higherClick here to sortQualified to level 2Persons who are qualified to level 2 and no higherClick here to sortQualified to level 3Persons who are qualified to level 3 and no higherClick here to sortQualified to levels 4-6Persons who are qualified to levels 4-6 and no higherClick here to sortQualified to levels 7-8Persons who are qualified to level 7-8 and no higherClick here to sortQualified to level 2 or abovePersons who are qualified to at least  level 2 and includes persons qualified to a higher levelClick here to sortQualified to level 3 or abovePersons who are qualified to at least  level 3 and includes persons qualified to a higher levelClick here to sortQualified to level 4 or abovePersons who are qualified to at least level 4 and includes persons qualified to a higher level
All persons in employment52.7101.2193.2204.2321.4127.3846.3652.8448.8
Managers,Directors and Senior Officials39.272.0162.6182.8392.8150.4888.8725.9543.3
Professional Occupations4.515.743.265.1507.5364.1979.8936.7871.6
Associate Professional and Technical Occupations17.355.7142.1189.9467.3127.7927.0784.8595.0
Administrative and Secretarial Occupations21.998.7251.1230.7334.263.1879.5628.2397.5
Skilled Trades Occupations72.8130.2248.7355.2171.122.0797.0548.4193.3
Caring,Leisure and Other Service Occupations43.588.8253.5332.5237.943.7867.7614.0281.6
Sales and Customer Service Occupations88.2154.6279.9226.4215.635.6757.4477.5251.3
Process Plant and Machine Operatives125.4240.2310.3209.998.016.3634.4324.2114.1
Elementary Occupations160.7215.3285.0189.2131.918.0624.0339.0150.0



Levels of highest qualifications held by working age adults in employment by occupation group

Last update

April 2024 April 2024

Next update

April 2025 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Annual Population Survey, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Data are presented for working age adults i.e. on basis of males and females aged 18-64 – according to their age at the start of the academic year.

Data collection and calculation

Source: Annual Population Survey/Welsh Local Labour Force Survey, Office for National Statistics

The data presented are based on the results of the Annual Population Survey for 2004 onwards, and from the annual Local Labour Force Survey for Wales for 2001-2003, both of which are household surveys carried out by the Office for National Statistics.

From 2001, annual Local Labour Force Survey (LLFS) data collected in Wales were based on a significantly enhanced sample.
The survey asks respondents for qualifications that they hold, and from this information the highest qualification held by the respondent is calculated. The highest qualifications are grouped into levels. Figures are provided for those obtaining qualifications at least at a certain level, and qualifications up to and including a certain level.

Data have previously been presented as NVQ equivalencies. From September 2004, the National Qualification Framework (NQF) was expanded and the former levels 4 and 5 were divided into more precise levels (4-8). Data are now presented according to this classification.

The statistics presented here for 2022 are not comparable with previous years due to the changes to the qualification questions in the Labour Force Survey/Annual Population Survey. The questions, previously based on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), have been updated to reflect the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). More detail on this is provided in the quality information of the statistical release.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Since 2004, the annual data have been produced on a rolling annual basis, updated every three months. The rolling annual averages are on a calendar basis with the first rolling annual average presented here covering the period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011.

Users, uses and context

The statistics are used within the Welsh Government to monitor trends in qualification levels. This release contains data for one of the national indicators (8 - percentage of adults with qualifications at the different levels of the National Qualifications Framework) and two related national milestones.
These statistics, along with the national indicator and national milestones are specifically included within Stronger, fairer, greener Wales: a plan for employability and skills.

Rounding applied

Percentages are rounded to one decimal place.

Statistical quality

As the data come from a survey, the results are sample-based estimates and therefore subject to differing degrees of sampling variability, i.e. the true value for any measure lies in a differing range about the estimated value. This range or sampling variability increases as the detail in the data increases; for example local authority data are subject to higher variability than regional data.



