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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Participation of 16-30 year olds in education by mode, age and year
Gender 1[Filter]
[Collapse]SectorSchools: Information is collected in January each year from the Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC). For example, for the provisional year end 2015 estimates, figures from the January 2016 School Census are used. Ages are as at 31 August prior to the start of the academic year. The Census only requests a combined figure for those aged 19 & over, these figures are included for 19 year olds only. Includes all maintained and independent schools.Higher Education:Information regarding enrolments at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is collected on a United Kingdom basis by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). This collection includes further education enrolments at HEIs.The analysis in this release is based on enrolments as at 1 December. Ages are as at 31 August prior to start of academic year. Provisional year end 2015 estimates are based on the Higher Education Students Early Statistics Survey (HESES), collected by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), which provides an early indication of the number of HE students studying in the academic year 2015/16.Open University: Information on Open University students are whole year figures, i.e. they include enrolments throughout the year. The reference point for age is 1 January. The figures used are for Welsh-domiciled students studying at the OU. Further Education and Work-based Learning: The Welsh Government collects information on enrolments at Further Education Institutions (FEIs) in Wales, including work-based learning (WBL), via the Lifelong Learning Wales Record (LLWR). The analysis in this release is based on enrolments as at the week of 1 December. These data are still under validation so the provisional year end 2015 estimates are based on an early freeze of the data. Where a learner has activities in more than one provision type allocation to a single type has been made in the order: WBL at FEIs, HE at FEIs, other at FEIs, WBL at Other Training Providers. Learners with both WBL activities at Other Training Providers and learning activities at FEIs will be included under the activity at the FEI. FE enrolments includes students on courses at the Workers Educational Association (WEA). and the Young Men\'s Christian Association (YMCA). [Filtered]
Sector 1[Filter]
Year End[Filtered]
[Collapse]AgeThe age groups contained here are selected sub sets of the 16-30 year old group. Ages as at 31 August prior to start of academic year.[Filter]
Age 1
ModeThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. From 2001 onwards, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections for the latest year. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015. Work-based learning figures show young people participating in training in the week beginning 1 December. Where a work-based learner has activities in more than one provision type allocation to a single type has been made in the order: WBL at FEIs, HE at FEIs, other at FEIs, WBL at Other Training Providers. Learners with both WBL activities at Other Training Providers and learning activities at FEIs will be included under the activity at the FEI. [Filter]
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Full-time education126,730111,53089,780328,03091,57092,38067,48041,63027,45019,740340,24014,91012,20010,1709,0107,8106,59060,680
Part-time education13,51010,5007,66031,6606,5706,6107,5508,3209,2109,55047,8109,6209,7709,8309,7209,7909,81058,510
Work Based LearningSource: Welsh Government LLWR. See dimension notes.8,21011,20011,54030,95010,6308,8707,4306,5505,6805,30044,4405,0004,6404,5204,3604,2604,07026,820
PopulationSource: Office of National Statistics. Rounded to the nearest one hundred. See dimension notes.173,800171,500172,700518,000182,400192,100199,600203,200201,800201,2001,180,500200,500201,600201,900204,100205,300204,0001,217,500



Participation of 16-30 year olds in education by age

Last update

October 2023 October 2023

Next update

July 2024 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government

Source 2

Lifelong Learning Wales Record, Welsh Government

Source 3

Others: Post-16 Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government; Higher Education Statistics Agency; Mid-year Population Estimates, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

These data provide information on participation of 16-30 year olds in education and training by selected age groups. The single year of age data are also presented. Further age groups in the 16-30 year old range can be provided on request.

Data collection and calculation

Data Source: ONS ( mid year population estimates), HESA, Welsh Government Lifelong Learning Wales Record (LLWR) ,Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC)

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is published annually. 2022 data is provisional.

Users, uses and context

Provides policy makers and those working with young people with data to monitor trends in participation and assess the impact of education and labour market interventions on young people.

Rounding applied

Most data are rounded to the nearest ten, apart from population estimates which are rounded to the nearest one hundred. Due to rounding the sums of rows or columns may not add to the total figure given.

Revisions information

2022 figures are provisional and will be finalised in next year's publication, due for release in July 2024.

Statistical quality

From 2004 onwards, the end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS then adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2018 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2018.

The economic status proportions are estimated from the Annual Population Survey. Therefore, these estimates will be subject to variation due to sampling error and also non-sampling error and should be treated with caution.



