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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Estimated participation of 16-24 year olds in education and training by age group, gender, education mode and economic activity
Gender 1[Filter]
[Collapse]EmploymentInternational Labour Organisation Unemployed (ILO). The ILO measure of unemployment covers people without a job who are available to start work within two weeks and had either looked for work in the four weeks prior to interview, or were waiting to start a job they had already obtained. Economically inactive. The economically inactive consist of those people who are neither in employment, nor classified as unemployed on the ILO definition. Such people are classified according to whether or not they would like a regular paid job and, if so whether or not they are seeking work and /or available. [Filter]
Employment 1
Year End(Descending)[Filter]
Education 1
[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Click here to sortTotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Click here to sortTotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.
Click here to sortFull-time employmentClick here to sortPart-time employmentClick here to sortILO unemployedClick here to sortEconomically inactiveClick here to sortFull-time employmentClick here to sortPart-time employmentClick here to sortILO unemployedClick here to sortEconomically inactive
2022[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.15,00030,7008,00054,300108,000106,70043,60011,40074,800236,500
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education50021,0001,40041,20064,1004,00017,0001,10047,70069,800
Part-time education7002,8001,1002,0006,6005,6001,7004002,1009,800
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.4,2005002,0001006,80011,0001,00020010012,400
Not in education or training9,7006,4003,50010,90030,50086,10023,9009,70024,800144,500
2021[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.10,40026,90010,10057,800105,200103,60041,20015,50068,900229,200
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education90018,2003,10044,20066,4008,80015,3003,30038,70066,000
Part-time education02,9003003,2006,3005,3002,3009001,60010,200
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,5007002,1001006,50010,8001,10020010012,300
Not in education or training6,0005,1004,60010,30026,00078,70022,50011,00028,500140,800
2020[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.9,90023,10010,50059,100102,500103,30040,40013,20075,300232,100
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education30016,7003,20048,10068,3002,70017,2003,00045,80068,700
Part-time education1,0001,0005003,0005,4003,3002,7003002,9009,300
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.2,6006002,7001005,90012,000800200013,100
Not in education or training6,0004,8004,2008,00022,90085,20019,7009,60026,500141,000
2019[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.10,00026,70012,30051,900100,900106,20048,20014,40072,700241,500
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education20018,6004,20041,00064,1001,90019,2002,10044,40067,600
Part-time education1,0001,5001,1003,3006,8006,6001,4001001,4009,500
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,5005002,6001006,80012,8001,100100014,100
Not in education or training5,3006,0004,4007,50023,20085,00026,50012,10026,900150,400
2018[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.11,40027,70013,40049,000101,400107,70046,60018,40068,500241,200
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education40019,3005,30040,20065,2003,10018,9004,70041,40068,100
Part-time education4002,9002003,0006,4005,7001,5003001,5009,100
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,8004002,90007,10014,0001,700100015,900
Not in education or training6,8005,1005,0005,80022,70085,00024,50013,20025,500148,100
2017[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.11,00027,30012,70052,500103,500113,20048,20017,50065,900244,800
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education40019,7005,40043,40068,9004,40020,0001,60042,30068,300
Part-time education2002,2004002,5005,2004,8001,6006001,7008,600
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,8005002,90007,30014,5001,200100015,900
Not in education or training6,6005,0004,0006,60022,20089,50025,40015,10021,900151,900
2016[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.10,30025,40012,00058,600106,200103,30049,30017,70078,300248,700
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education90018,3004,60048,90072,7002,10018,6003,20044,50068,300
Part-time education5008005002,1003,9006,1001,1002001,9009,200
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,6004003,20007,20014,0001,700100015,800
Not in education or training5,3005,9003,7007,60022,40081,20027,90014,20032,000155,300
2015[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.9,90026,40016,80056,000109,100107,60046,40023,70074,400252,100
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education20019,6007,40048,40075,5002,70016,5003,00045,50067,700
Part-time education4001,2007001,3003,6006,6002,40001,30010,300
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,5005003,40007,40014,4001,700300016,400
Not in education or training5,8005,1005,3006,30022,50084,00025,80020,30027,600157,600
2014[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.9,80025,50013,00063,100111,400102,90050,90025,70075,800255,300
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education40018,4006,70051,50076,9003,60018,0002,60043,30067,400
Part-time education7001,6005001,4004,3007,1002,7005002,30012,700
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,60040003,9008,00014,6001,900030016,800
Not in education or training5,1005,1005,7006,30022,20077,60028,30022,60029,900158,400
2013[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.9,60024,30016,20062,400112,400102,40052,50030,70073,000258,600
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education50018,4007,70050,20076,8003,70019,5004,20041,40068,800
Part-time education7001,2001,0002,2005,1009,5001,7001,4001,50014,000
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.4,1003009004,3009,60013,6001,50010030015,500
Not in education or training4,4004,3006,5005,60020,90075,50030,00025,00029,900160,300
2012[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.10,00023,40015,70064,400113,40096,80044,60037,00081,600260,000
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education30016,8006,70052,20076,0002,20012,8004,10049,70068,700
Part-time education1,0007001,8002,0005,6007,1004,1001,9002,00015,100
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,0005009004,2008,5008,8001,30020060010,800
Not in education or training5,7005,4006,3006,00023,30078,70026,50030,80029,400165,400
2011[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.8,10023,90020,90062,100115,100100,30045,20033,30079,300258,100
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education40017,2006,70052,50076,8003,00016,5003,40045,70068,600
Part-time education4001,8001,2003,1006,5007,8002,8002,1003,10015,800
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.2,5008004,5009008,80010,4002,80070020014,100
Not in education or training4,8004,2008,5005,60023,10079,20023,10027,00030,400159,700
2010[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.9,40027,60020,60059,600117,10093,60047,80034,90077,700254,000
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education70019,5006,80049,10076,0002,70016,5004,00044,00067,200
Part-time education9001,4001,1003,2006,7008,0003,0002,8002,50016,300
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.2,4009005,5009009,70010,0003,20090020014,300
Not in education or training5,4005,8007,2006,30024,70073,00025,10027,20031,000156,300
2009[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.11,60028,00020,70059,100119,400101,20051,50028,80068,000249,500
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education50020,0007,30048,10075,9003,30021,2004,60034,00063,000
Part-time education1,4001,7001,0002,8007,00010,0004,2001,1002,50017,800
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,1001,0005,2006009,80010,0003,00050010013,700
Not in education or training6,6005,3007,2007,60026,70077,80023,20022,60031,500155,000
2008[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.15,30032,80021,40051,100120,600117,70040,90023,30064,000246,000
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education1,00024,1006,70043,10074,8003,70015,7003,60036,00059,000
Part-time education1,3003,5001,3002,3008,40010,4003,2002,0002,60018,300
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,1001,0004,30008,30011,1002,600400014,100
Not in education or training9,9004,2009,2005,80029,10092,50019,40017,40025,400154,700
2007[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.18,60034,40018,60048,700120,400116,50043,80019,10063,200242,700
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education80025,9005,00041,00072,6003,50018,6001,10033,50056,800
Part-time education2,9002,7001,0002,2008,80013,3003,6001,8003,10021,800
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,3009004,20008,40010,7002,600600013,900
Not in education or training11,7004,9008,4005,50030,60089,00019,00015,60026,600150,300
2006[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.18,30034,70017,10049,200119,300114,80039,40018,80064,700237,600
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education80023,7004,60042,50071,5003,00015,4002,40034,80055,600
Part-time education2,7004,3001,3001,5009,80014,7003,9007002,50021,800
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.3,6009005,00009,50011,4002,900700015,000
Not in education or training11,2005,7006,3005,30028,50085,60017,20015,00027,400145,200
2005[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.19,80036,50017,40044,400118,200115,40036,70019,50060,500232,200
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education90026,9004,70037,60070,2004,70014,6002,70032,50054,600
Part-time education3,2002,8009002,1009,10013,3003,5001,1002,80020,600
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.4,1001,1004,70009,90012,0003,100600015,800
Not in education or training11,6005,7007,1004,60029,00085,30015,50015,20025,300141,200
2004[Collapse]TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.21,50035,40016,50043,700117,100115,00037,00016,70059,700228,400
TotalThe Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculates mid-year estimates of resident population by single year of age as at 30 June. For this release, end of year populations have been derived from the mid-year estimates and population projections provided by the ONS. These estimates have been adjusted to age as at 31 August. For example age as at 31 August 2015 is used in the provisional figures for year end 2015.Full-time education1,00026,6004,30035,60067,4003,90015,1003,70031,00053,700
Part-time education3,9002,4006002,4009,30011,9002,8001,8002,40019,000
TrainingIncludes persons not enrolled on an education course, who are were either on Government Supported Training (GST), in an apprenticeship or carried out job related training away from the workplace in the previous four weeks.4,3001,2004,1001009,70013,0002,600500016,100
Not in education or training12,2005,3007,5005,50030,60086,20016,60010,70026,200139,700



Estimated participation of 16-24 year olds in education and training in Wales, by gender, economic activity and selected age groups

Last update

October 2023 October 2023

Next update

July 2024 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government

Source 2

Lifelong Learning Wales Record, Welsh Government

Source 3

Others: Post-16 Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government; Higher Education Statistics Agency; Mid-year Population Estimates, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

These data provide information on participation of 16-24 year olds in education and training, by selected age groups and economic activity.

Data collection and calculation

Source: ONS (Annual Population Survey & Mid year population estimates), Welsh Government Lifelong Learning Wales Record (LLWR), Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC)

The Annual Population Survey is used to estimate the following proportions:
• Labour market status of those in full-time education;
• Labour market status of those in part-time education;
• Full-time and part-time employment of those in Work Based Learning, who are employed;
• Employer sponsored 'off-the-job' training for those in employment.

The LLWR is used to estimate the following proportion:
• Labour market status of those engaged in Work Based Learning.
These proportions are then applied to the numbers known to be in education, work-based learning and the total population to derive estimates of participation by education and employment. For Work Based Learners, the labour market status at the start of the learning programme collected via the LLWR is used with the addition of some APS data to estimate the proportions in full-time and part-time employment.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is published annually. 2022 data is provisional.

Users, uses and context

Provides policy makers and those working with young people with data to monitor trends in participation and assess the impact of education and labour market interventions on young people.

Rounding applied

Data are rounded to the nearest one hundred. Due to rounding the sums of rows or columns may not add to the total figure given.

Revisions information

2022 figures are provisional and will be finalised in next year's publication, due for release in July 2024.



Statistical quality

There were changes made in the methodology used to derive the participation estimates introduced for the year end 2004 edition. Care should be taken when comparing these estimates with estimates from year end 2004 onwards.

The economic status proportions are estimated from the Annual Population Survey. Therefore, these estimates will be subject to variation due to sampling error and also non-sampling error and should be treated with caution.

