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Data Provider: Welsh Government Student enrolments in Wales with teaching through the medium of Welsh by HECOS module subject and Welsh speaking ability
CoverageFor data between 2008/09 and 2012/13, students in the Open University in Wales are identified as students at the Open University who are funded by the Higher Education Funding Council. Between 2013/14 and 2019/20, they are identified as Welsh domiciled students studying at the Open University. From 2020/21, they are counted as students registered at the Welsh national centre of the Open University.[Filtered]
Institution 1[Filter]
Level 1[Filter]
Mode 1[Filter]
Year of study[Filtered]
[Collapse]Welsh speakerWhether the student identifies themselves as a Welsh speaker.[Filter]
Welsh speaker 1
[Collapse]Subject 1
Subject 2
[Collapse]Enrolments with some teaching through WelshStudents studying at least one module with a non-zero proportion of teaching through the medium of Welsh.[Collapse]All enrolmentsAll enrolments at Welsh HEIs regardless of language of provision
[Collapse]AllClick here to sortAll[Collapse]AllClick here to sortAll
Click here to sortFluent Welsh speakerClick here to sortWelsh speaker not fluentClick here to sortNot a Welsh speakerClick here to sortUnknownClick here to sortFluent Welsh speakerClick here to sortWelsh speaker not fluentClick here to sortNot a Welsh speakerClick here to sortUnknown
[Collapse]All Subjects2,9158502,8052406,81010,66511,070112,57014,735149,045
All Subjects[Expand]Medicine and dentistry13020105.Data item not applicable2503152754,07054,665
[Expand]Subjects allied to medicine500185180158801,6501,49012,57572016,435
[Expand]Biological and sport sciences1702590.Data item not applicable2856956258,87547510,675
[Expand]Psychology701050.Data item not applicable1305306556,0001,0608,245
[Expand]Veterinary sciences.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable510551585
[Expand]Agriculture, food and related studies50153020115115758701001,165
[Expand]Physical sciences5.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable51652452,9852203,615
[Expand]Mathematical sciences35.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable351751852,2453302,935
[Expand]Engineering and technology402070.Data item not applicable1304956007,8256659,585
[Expand]Computing2020110.Data item not applicable1503505606,7151,6759,305
[Expand]Geography, earth and environmental studies35510.Data item not applicable451801602,7201603,220
[Expand]Architecture, building and planning205155451801602,125652,530
[Expand]Social sciences310135475259401,2151,25010,5951,98015,040
[Expand]Law1052580.Data item not applicable2106658506,9154258,850
[Expand]Business and management8530265.Data item not applicable38086092517,0103,43022,225
[Expand]Media, journalism and communications1305.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable1402951752,165252,660
[Collapse]Language and area studies2155580.Data item not applicable3556105454,8856756,715
Language and area studiesWelsh studies1655575.Data item not applicable2951705590.Data item not applicable320
Other Celtic Language155.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable20202535.Data item not applicable80
Other European Language5.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable51401101,230951,580
[Expand]Historical, philosophical and religious studies751080.Data item not applicable1702753103,2001503,935
[Collapse]Design, and creative and performing arts185110640359705606054,7901,0557,005
Design, and creative and performing artsDrama452085.Data item not applicable1508560415265825
Music15.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable.Data item not applicable20100907154551,365
Cinematics and photography201580.Data item not applicable110707074020900
[Collapse]Education and teaching6651604701401,4401,1201,1254,4501,0157,710
Education and teachingTeacher Training370852051357954653701,1252052,160
Studies in Education2957527056456557553,3258105,550
[Collapse]Combined and general studiesCombined and general studies701560.Data item not applicable1452202451,4854902,440


General description

This data provides information on students taught through the medium of Welsh at Higher Education Institutions in Wales.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) collect data on students, staff and resources of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK. The data presented in this table is taken from HESA's Student Record which contains information on all students enrolled on credit bearing courses at UK HEIs. Further information about HESA and their data collections can be found on their website

This is a new dataset, it differs from the data in the archived dataset titled: Students in Wales with teaching through the medium of Welsh by subject and Welsh speaking ability due to a change from JACS subject coding to HECOS subject coding. More details on the HECOS subject coding can be found on the HESA webpage:

The Student Record contains information about individual enrolments, which, because a student can be enrolled on more than one programme of study, will exceed the number of students. However, previous analysis has shown that for Welsh HEIs full-time enrolments are less than 1 per cent higher than full-time student numbers; part-time enrolments are less than 2 per cent higher than part-time student numbers.

Postdoctoral students are not included in the HESA Student Record.

Students being taught through the medium of Welsh are defined as students studying at least one module with a non-zero proportion of teaching through the medium of Welsh. See dimension notes for more detail.

Data collection and calculation

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Student Record.

Welsh medium subjects data is calculated on a module by module basis. A student can study modules in multiple subjects, and even multiple subjects within a single module. Any combination of subjects and modules might have some teaching through Welsh. This means it is not possible to report subject numbers in a way which is consistent with the Welsh-medium totals elsewhere and where the percentage of students studying a subject through Welsh is accurate. We have chosen to make the percentages accurate.
Subjects reported in Full-Person Equivalents (FPE), split each student across the subjects they study. If a student’s course was half Maths and half Law, they would count as half a student (0.5) studying Maths and half a student studying Law. Once a student’s subjects are calculated in Full-Person Equivalents, we check if any part of a subject was studied Welsh. This means if half a student’s course is Maths (0.5 FPE), and they study some Maths through the Welsh-medium, then they also count as half a student studying Maths through Welsh (0.5 FPE).

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

The HESA standard registration population is a count of all enrolments within the reporting year 1 August to 31 July. Students who leave within 2 weeks of their start date, or anniversary of their start date, and are on a course of more than two weeks duration, are not included in the standard registration population. Dormant students, incoming visiting and exchange students from overseas and students studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK are also excluded from this population.

Rounding applied

The presentation of figures in this table follows the principals of the HESA rounding strategy. The strategy is intended to prevent the disclosure of personal information about any individual. This strategy involves rounding all numbers to the nearest 5. A summary of this strategy is as follows:
• Numbers less than 2.5 are rounded to 0 and represented as '.'
• All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 5

Total figures are also subject to this rounding methodology; the consequence of which is that the sum of numbers in each row or column may not match the total shown precisely.


Student enrolments in Wales with teaching through the medium of Welsh by HECOS module subject and Welsh speaking ability

Last update

21 September 2023 21 September 2023

Next update

July 2024 (Provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Higher education student record, Higher Education Statistics Agency

Contact email

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

Data in this dataset differs from the data in the archived dataset titled: Students in Wales with teaching through the medium of Welsh by subject and Welsh speaking ability due to a change from JACS subject coding to HECOS subject coding. More details on the HECOS subject coding can be found on the HESA webpage:
From 2020/21, HESA changed the way subjects are classified. The 2019/20 data has been revised and republished along with the 2020/21 data to reflect the new classification variables. 2019/20 data therefore differs from data that was previously published. More information can be found at:
A student can study modules in multiple subjects, and even multiple subjects within a single module. Any combination of subjects and modules might have some teaching through Welsh. Other publications utilise course subjects rather than module subjects. This means subject numbers and Welsh medium totals may not display in a way which is consistent with Welsh medium and subject numbers elsewhere.

