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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Student enrolments in Wales by HECOS subject, level and mode of study
YearAcademic years run from 1 August of the initial year to 31 July of the following year.[Filtered]
[Collapse]Year of study[Filtered]
Year of study 1[Filter]
Sex 1[Filter]
Level 1
[Collapse]ModeSubjects are classified using the Common Aggregation Hierarchy (CAH). Analysis of subject information show Full Person Equivalents (FPE).[Filter]
Mode 1
[Collapse]SubjectSubjects are classified using the Common Aggregation Hierarchy (CAH). Analysis of subject information show Full Person Equivalents (FPE).[Filter]
Subject 1
[Collapse]Higher EducationAll Higher Education programmesClick here to sortHigher EducationAll Higher Education programmes
[Collapse]PostgraduatePostgraduate programmes of study are those leading to higher degrees, diplomas and certificates and usually require that entrants are already qualified to degree level.[Collapse]UndergraduateUndergraduate programmes of study include first degrees, Foundation Degrees, diplomas in HE, Higher National Diploma(HND), Higher National Certificate(HNC), etc. Entrants to these programmes of study do not usually require an HE qualification.
[Collapse]All modesClick here to sortAll modes[Collapse]All modesClick here to sortAll modes
Click here to sortFull-timeFull-time students are required to attend for at least 24 weeks within the year of programme for an average of at least 21 hours per week. It includes those on thick or thin sandwich courses, and those on a study-related year out of their institution.Click here to sortPart-time and otherPart-time students are recorded as studying part-time, or on full-time courses lasting less than 24 weeks.Click here to sortFull-timeFull-time students are required to attend for at least 24 weeks within the year of programme for an average of at least 21 hours per week. It includes those on thick or thin sandwich courses, and those on a study-related year out of their institution.Click here to sortPart-time and otherPart-time students are recorded as studying part-time, or on full-time courses lasting less than 24 weeks.
[Collapse]All subjects38,36524,97063,335167,16551,050218,210281,545
All subjectsMedicine and dentistry8601,3452,2104,985.The data item has been rounded to zero5,0107,215
Subjects allied to medicine2,0756,8408,91519,3804,87524,25033,170
Biological and sport sciences1,8508602,71016,6651,10517,77520,485
Veterinary sciences.The data item has been rounded to zero.The data item has been rounded to zero.The data item has been rounded to zero240.The data item has been rounded to zero240240
Agriculture, food and related studies3103957051,6151851,8002,505
Physical sciences1,2351351,3654,3908155,2056,570
Mathematical sciences4701606352,0456102,6603,290
Engineering and technology2,8105603,37512,1504,27516,42019,795
Architecture, building and planning1,0703401,4102,3709803,3454,760
Geography, earth and environmental studies7551258804,2256804,9105,785
Social sciences3,2252,2305,45519,3455,89025,23030,690
Business and management8,8753,76512,64023,1604,13527,30039,935
Language and area studies1,2956901,9856,6453,98510,63012,615
Historical, philosophical and religious studies7408851,6205,4108906,3007,925
Education and teaching2,8202,3905,2104,5805,0959,67514,885
Combined and general studies90255350557,5107,5607,910
Media, journalism and communications1,3205601,8752,930853,0154,890
Design, and creative and performing arts1,5207602,28011,62571512,34014,625



Student enrolments in Wales by subject, level and mode of study

Last update

7 March 2022 7 March 2022

Next update

January 2023

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Higher education student record, Higher Education Statistics Agency

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Last update: 7 March 2022
Next update: January 2023

Data collection and calculation

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Student Record.
The data included are taken primarily from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Student Record and based on the HESA standard registration population, which includes student enrolments throughout the year. HESA currently publish combined data from both the HESA Student record and the HESA Student alternative record. As such, figures published by HESA and Stats Wales may differ.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

The HESA standard registration population is a count of all enrolments within the reporting year 1 August to 31 July. Students who leave within 2 weeks of their start date, or anniversary of their start date, and are on a course of more than two weeks duration, are not included in the standard registration population. Dormant students, incoming visiting and exchange students from overseas and students studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK are also excluded from this population.

Rounding applied

The presentation of figures in this table follows the principals of the HESA rounding strategy. The strategy is intended to prevent the disclosure of personal information about any individual. This strategy involves rounding all numbers to the nearest 5. A summary of this strategy is as follows:
• Numbers less than 3 are rounded to 0 and represented as '.'
• All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 5

Revisions information

From 2020/21 HESA changed the way subjects are classified. The 2019/20 data has been revised and republished along with the 2020/21 data to reflect the new classification variables. 2019/20 data therefore differs from data that was previously published. More information can be found at:


Higher Education

Statistical quality

This is a new dataset, it differs from the data in the archived dataset titled: Student enrolments in Wales by subject, level and mode of study due to a change from JACS subject coding to HECOS subject coding. More details on the HECOS subject coding can be found on the HESA webpage:

Numbers for students from Wales studying at the Open University are based on where the student is from, rather than on the campus marker selected by the university. HESA use a different method to this and so the published numbers may differ slightly.

Note that the 'Welsh for Adults' StatsWales information normally included as part of this release cannot be updated to 2016/17. The National Centre for Learning Welsh has been responsible for providing leadership to the Welsh for Adults programme and co-ordinating provision across Wales on behalf of Welsh Government from 2015. Part of the work of the Centre has been to rationalise provision, and data systems, from 2016/17 onwards (with data collection in the past taking place through both HESA and LLWR data). New arrangements for data collection are being established for 2017/18 onwards, however, data has not been collected to provide a complete picture of provision for the 2016/17 year and it will not be included at all from 2017/18 onwards.

Enrolments on HE courses at Welsh FEIs funded by HEFCW are reported here from 2016/17 onwards. Previously they were reported through the Lifelong Learning Record for Wales (LLWR)

Between 2008/09 and 2012/13 counted by the number of students at the Open University funded by the Higher Education Funding Council. Otherwise they are counted as Welsh domiciled students studying at the Open University

From 2010/11, Further Education (FE) students who were enrolled at Merthyr Tydfil College, Glamorgan were reported to HESA rather than solely to the Lifelong Learning Wales Record (LLWR). In 2009/10 only 950 FE enrolments were registered at Merthyr Tydfil College (as part of Glamorgan University), whilst in 2011/12 the number of FE enrolments was 8,580. The new protocol affecting 2012/13 data meant that the number of these enrolments fell again to 1,850 in 2012/13.

University of Wales Institute, Cardiff changed its name to Cardiff Metropolitan University in late 2011.

In 2009/10, the University of Glamorgan changed its reporting practices for a number of their full-time postgraduate taught students that were active over two reporting years. These students were previously returned as active in their first year but dormant in their second year. For 2009/10 these students are now returned as active in both academic years, in line with HESA reporting requirements. This contributed to Glamorgan reporting an increase of 670 enrolments (around 58 per cent) to its full-time postgraduate taught courses and a subsequent rise in the number of full-time postgraduate enrolments at Welsh HEIs.

In 2008/09, Lampeter University showed a drop of 2,195 part-time other undergraduate enrolments, representing a 39 per cent decrease on 2007/08. This was, in part, due to those students being re-coded as dormant which automatically excluded them from enrolment data.

During 2009/10, Bangor University took part in a trial with an external partner in relation to a large set of their Welsh for Adults data (Further Education enrolments normally included on the HESA record). Due to the nature of the trial, some data was not available before the HESA submission deadline, this resulted in an undercount for that year. In 2011/12 Bangor University recorded a 112 per cent increase in FE enrolments since 2009/10; currently there is no reason to suggest that this is due to anything other than full reporting and increased provision.

