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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics HE enrolments of Welsh domiciled students at UK HEIs by subject, level and mode of study

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Gender 1[Filter]
YearThe reporting year is 1 August to 31 July.<br /><br />This table presents analyses of Full Person Equivalents throughout the relevant year. Dormant students, students studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK, postdoctoral students and incoming visiting and exchange students from overseas are excluded.<br />[Filtered]
[Collapse]Year of StudyFirst year students are based on the HESA standard registration population who commenced their programme of study in the reporting period relevant to the data collection year.<br />[Filtered]
Year of Study 1[Filter]
[Collapse]LevelHigher education (HE) students are those students on programmes of study for which the level of instruction is above that of level 3 of the National Qualifications Framework, i.e. courses leading to the Advanced Level of the General Certificate of Education (GCE A-levels), the Advanced Level of the Vocational Certificate of Education (VCE A-levels) or the Advanced Higher Grade and Higher Grade of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Advanced Highers/Highers). <br /><br />Postgraduate programmes of study are those leading to higher degrees, diplomas and certificates (including Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) and professional qualifications) and usually require that entrants are already qualified to degree level (i.e. already qualified at level 3 of the National Qualifications Framework). Higher degrees include doctorates, masters degrees and higher bachelors degrees.<br /><br />Undergraduate programmes of study are first degrees with or without eligibility to register to practice with a Health or Social Care or Veterinary statutory regulatory body, first degrees with qualified teacher status (QTS)/registration with the General Teaching Council (GTC), enhanced first degrees, first degrees obtained concurrently with a diploma and intercalated first degrees, Foundation Degrees, diplomas in HE with eligibility to register to practice with a Health or Social Care regulatory body, Higher National Diploma (HND), Higher National Certificate (HNC), Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE), Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE), foundation courses at HE level, NVQ/SVQ levels 4 and 5, post-degree diplomas and certificates at undergraduate level, professional qualifications at undergraduate level and other undergraduate diplomas and certificates including post-registration health and social care courses. Entrants to these programmes of study do not usually require an HE qualification. <br />[Filter]
Level 1
[Collapse]ModeFull-time students are those normally required to attend an institution for periods amounting to at least 24 weeks within the year of programme of study, on thick or thin sandwich courses, and those on a study-related year out of their institution. During that time students are normally expected to undertake periods of study, tuition or work experience which amount to an average of at least 21 hours per week. <br /><br />Part-time students are those recorded as studying part-time, or studying full-time on courses lasting less than 24 weeks, on block release, or studying during the evenings only. <br /><br />Other modes of study include those students writing-up theses, on sabbatical or on FE continuous delivery. <br />[Filter]
Mode 1
[Collapse]SubjectSubjects are classified using the Joint Academic Coding System (JACS). This came into use for the 2002/03 data collection by HESA. HESA has defined nineteen subject areas in terms of JACS codes for reporting information broken down by subject.<br /><br />Student programmes often involve combinations of subjects, and so cannot be described by a single JACS code. Therefore, the HESA record contains three subject fields. <br /><br />Analyses of subject information show Full Person Equivalents (FPE). These are derived by splitting each student record between the different subjects that make up their qualification aim. Totals of FPE may differ slightly to counts of student enrolments due to rounding.<br /><br />For split programmes not involving an initial teacher training (ITT) component, the apportionment algorithm is as follows:<br /><br />· 50%:50% for a balanced two-way split;<br />· 66.667%:33.333% for a major/minor two-way split;<br />· 33.333%:33.333%:33.333% for a balanced three-way split.<br /><br />ITT students at undergraduate level who also have a specialism recorded are apportioned 50% to the \'Education\' subject area and the remaining 50% is further apportioned to the algorithm for non-ITT students. Where no subject other than education is recorded, or where the student is on a PGCE course, apportionment is 100% to the \'Education\' subject area.[Filter]
Subject 1
[Collapse]Higher EducationClick here to sortHigher Education
[Collapse]PostgraduatePostgraduate programmes of study are those leading to higher degrees, diplomas and certificates and usually require that entrants are already qualified to degree level.[Collapse]UndergraduateUndergraduate programmes of study include first degrees, Foundation Degrees, diplomas in HE, Higher National Diploma(HND), Higher National Certificate(HNC), etc. Entrants to these programmes of study do not usually require an HE qualification.
[Collapse]All modesClick here to sortAll modes[Collapse]All modesClick here to sortAll modes
Click here to sortFull-timeFull-time students are required to attend for at least 24 weeks within the year of programme for an average of at least 21 hours per week. It includes those on thick or thin sandwich courses, and those on a study-related year out of their institution.Click here to sortPart-time and otherPart-time students are recorded as studying part-time, or on full-time courses lasting less than 24 weeks. Other includes those student writing-up theses, on sabbatical or on FE continuous delivery.Click here to sortFull-timeFull-time students are required to attend for at least 24 weeks within the year of programme for an average of at least 21 hours per week. It includes those on thick or thin sandwich courses, and those on a study-related year out of their institution.Click here to sortPart-time and otherPart-time students are recorded as studying part-time, or on full-time courses lasting less than 24 weeks. Other includes those student writing-up theses, on sabbatical or on FE continuous delivery.
[Collapse]All subjects6,05012,41018,46550,87537,33588,210106,675
All subjectsMedicine & dentistry1356557901,96051,9652,755
Subjects allied to medicine2701,5651,8356,9154,61011,52513,360
Biological sciences5356001,1404,9459255,8657,005
Veterinary science101020165*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication165185
Agriculture & related subjects50751255803759601,080
Physical sciences4453457952,7454903,2404,030
Mathematical sciences70601308602151,0751,205
Computer science1653304902,2551,1553,4153,905
Engineering & technology3155108252,8301,7454,5755,400
Architecture, building & planning1503354851,0059801,9852,465
Social studies5259001,4254,1602,8306,9908,415
Business & administrative studies3452,3502,6954,2353,5057,74510,435
Mass communications and documentation1501953451,2851001,3851,730
Historical and philosophical studies1955807752,4201,6054,0254,800
Creative arts & design2654006705,4501,4956,9457,610



EDUC0030 Higher education enrolments of Welsh domiciled students at UK HEIs by subject, gender, first year status, level and mode of study


ETES2: Welsh Assembly Government


Last update: Jan 2008
Was added to StatsWales: Mar 2008
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales by: Mar 2009
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Student Record.

These data provide information on students enrolled at Higher Education Institutions in Wales and Welsh domiciled students at UK Higher Education Institutions.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) collect data on students, staff and resources of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK. The data presented in this bulletin is taken from HESA's Student Record which contains information on all students enrolled on credit bearing courses at UK HEIs. Further information about HESA and their data collections can be found on their website

The Student Record contains information about individual enrolments, which, because a student can be enrolled on more than one programme of study, will exceed the number of students. Previous analysis has shown that for Welsh HEIs full-time enrolments are less than 1 per cent higher than full-time student numbers; part-time enrolments are less than 2 per cent higher than part-time student numbers.

This table is based on the HESA standard registration population is a count of all enrolments within the reporting year 1 August to 31 July. Students who leave within 2 weeks of their start date, or anniversary of their start date, and are on a course of more than two weeks duration, are not included in the standard registration population. Dormant students, incoming visiting and exchange students from overseas and students studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK are also excluded from this population. Prior to 2000/01 the standard population was based on enrolments as at 1 December each year.

Postdoctoral students are not included in the HESA Student Record.


The HESA standard registration population is a count of all enrolments within the reporting year 1 August to 31 July. Students who leave within 2 weeks of their start date, or anniversary of their start date, and are on a course of more than two weeks duration, are not included in the standard registration population. Dormant students, incoming visiting and exchange students from overseas and students studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK are also excluded from this population. Prior to 2000/01 the standard population was based on enrolments as at 1 December each year. In this bulletin the December population is used to present a time series back to 1994.

The HESA qualifications obtained population is a count of student enrolments associated with the award of an HE qualification (excluding HE institutional credits) during the reporting year. For the qualifications obtained table awards from dormant status and those writing-up theses are classified to their previous mode of study, i.e. full-time or part-time.

Rounding strategy

The presentation of figures in this table follows the principals of the HESA rounding strategy. The strategy is intended to prevent the disclosure of personal information about any individual. This strategy involves rounding all numbers to the nearest 5. A summary of this strategy is as follows:
· 0, 1, 2 are rounded to 0 and represented as '*'.
· All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 5

Total figures are also subject to this rounding methodology; the consequence of which is that the sum of numbers in each row or column may not match the total shown precisely.


Higher Education

