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Data Provider: Welsh Government Higher Education teaching staff in Wales by ability to teach through the medium of Welsh and whether contracted to teach through the medium of Welsh
Contract TypeContract type is based on terms of employment (atypical or non-atypical) and the employment function of the contract (academic or non-academic)[Filtered]
[Collapse]Cost centreThe area staff work in, grouped by HESA Cost Centre.[Filtered]
Cost centre 1[Filter]
Institution 1[Filter]
MeasureFull-time equivalent (FTE) or full person equivalent (FPE)<br />                [Filtered]
Mode 1[Filter]
Sex 1[Filter]
Academic YearAcademic years run from 1 August of the initial year to 31 July of the following year.<br />                [Filtered]
[Collapse]Ability to teach in WelshAbility to teach through the medium of Welsh<br />                [Filter]
Ability to teach in Welsh 1
[Collapse]Teaching in WelshWhether contract includes teaching through the medium of Welsh[Filter]
Teaching in Welsh 1
Click here to sort2019/20Click here to sort2020/21Click here to sort2021/22Click here to sort2022/23Click here to sort2023/24
AllAble to teach through the medium of Welsh[Collapse]All1,0851,0251,0351,015845
AllTeaching through the medium of Welsh580570540460385
Not teaching through the medium of Welsh345300360475225
Information not sought15516013080235
Unable to teach through the medium of Welsh[Collapse]All6,8106,7406,7457,2207,750
AllTeaching through the medium of Welsh00000
Not teaching through the medium of Welsh5,1704,8954,9556,2956,390
Information not sought1,6401,8451,7909251,360
Information not sought[Collapse]All140185430460860
AllTeaching through the medium of Welsh1510151525
Not teaching through the medium of Welsh4050170205455
Information not sought85125245240380



Higher Education teaching staff in Wales by ability to teach through the medium of Welsh and whether contracted to teach through the medium of Welsh

Last update

29 January 2025 29 January 2025

Next update

January 2026 (Provisional)

Publishing organisation


Source 1

Higher Education Staff Record, Higher Education Statistics Agency

Contact email

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Last update: 29 January 2025
Next update: January 2026 (Provisional)
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Staff Record.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) collect data on students, staff and resources of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK. Further information about HESA and their data collections, including some online tables, can be found on their website

Data collection and calculation

Figures are based on the HESA Staff Record. Data is required for all academic staff, and for non-academic staff if the contract is not atypical. Data also need not be returned for agency staff, self-employed staff, honorary contracts where the contract is not deemed to be a contract of employment and staff not employed by the HEI, but by a company consolidated into the HEI's accounts.

Atypical staff are those members of staff whose contracts involve working arrangements that are not permanent, involve complex employment relationships and/or involve work away from the supervision of the normal work provider.

Non-atypical staff full-person equivalent (FPE) counts are calculated on the basis of contract activities that were active on 1 December of the reporting period. Atypical staff FPE counts are calculated on the basis of those individuals who have only atypical contracts that were active during the reporting period.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) indicates the proportion of a full-time year being undertaken over the course of the reporting period 1 August to 31 July. The FTE is therefore counted using a population of staff who were active during the reporting period, not just on a given snapshot date.

More information related to definitions used can be found at

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

The HESA staff contract population is an indicator of those contracts that were active on 1 December within the reporting period. This is used in analyses of non-atypical staff contract attributes by full-person equivalents (FPE).

The HESA staff atypical population is an indicator of those individuals who have only atypical contracts within the reporting period (31 July to 1 August). This is used in analyses of atypical staff person attributes by full-person equivalents (FPE).

The HESA staff contract session population is an indicator of those contracts that were active during the reporting period (31 July to 1 August). This is used in analyses of full-time equivalents (FTE) of atypical and non-atypical staff.

Rounding applied

The presentation of figures in this table follows the principals of the HESA rounding strategy. The strategy is intended to prevent the disclosure of personal information about any individual. This strategy involves rounding all numbers to the nearest 5.

Statistical quality

Between 2014/15 and 2015/16, the University of South Wales reported a significant drop in staff numbers. This was due to a combination of normal contractual changes and turnover of employees, limited institutional restructuring, a combination of HR and payroll systems, and a data cleansing exercise.