First year students from Wales on ITE courses in the UK, as at 1 December, by degree type and year - Archived - No longer updated
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First years from Wales on ITE courses in the UK, as at 1 DecemberLast update
25th May 2022Next update
Archived – No longer updatedPublishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Higher education student record, Higher Education Statistics AgencyContact email
National StatisticsLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see description
This table provides information about students from Wales who are active on the 1st December on courses of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) provided through UK higher education institutions.To teach as a qualified teacher in a maintained school or non-maintained special school in Wales or England, students need to obtain QTS. Students can do this by either undertaking a first degree course which combines a degree - usually a BEd, BA or BSc - with QTS or by completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course which leads to QTS. There are alternative employment-based routes to obtaining QTS but these are not covered in this bulletin.
The data included here are taken from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Student Record and cover enrolments at December 1st. From 2007/08 the December population did not include those students who are on sabbatical or writing-up.
Data collection and calculation
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)Frequency of publication
AnnualData reference periods
The HESA December population is a count of all active student instances at the 1st December during the reporting period. Students who leave before this date, or who enrol after this date are not included in the December population. Dormant students, incoming visiting and exchange students from overseas and students studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK are also excluded from this population.Rounding applied
The presentation of figures in this table follows the principals of the HESA rounding strategy. The strategy is intended to prevent the disclosure of personal information about any individual. This strategy involves rounding all numbers to the nearest 5. A summary of this strategy is as follows:• Counts of people are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5.
Revisions information
Prior to publication of the 2021/22 data, students on ‘Early Years Initial Teacher Training’ courses were included in the data. These students are no longer treated as QTS students and are therefore removed from the data. 2020/21 figures were revised to reflect this change. The impact of this change appears to be minimal.Prior to publication of the 2021/22 data, students on ‘Postgraduate Diploma in Education’ courses were incorrectly treated as PGCE students, resulting in an over-reporting of students on PGCE courses. These students are now treated as students on ‘Other’ degrees where they lead to QTS. 2020/21 data was revised to reflect this change. The impact of this change appears to be minimal.