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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Destination of qualifiers from Welsh HEIs by subject studied and activity

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Gender 1[Filter]
Level 1[Filter]
MeasureNumber or percentage of known responses.[Filtered]
[Collapse]ModeFull-time includes full-time and sandwich study, plus those writing-up theses following full-time study.<br /><br />Part-time includes part-time study, full-time  on courses lasting less than 24 weeks, block release or studying during the evenings, plus those writing-up theses following part-time study.[Filter]
Mode 1[Filter]
[Collapse]ActivityThe employment and study circumstances of the leaver on 14 April 2008 (if the leaver obtained the qualification between 1 August 2007 and 31 December 2007) or on 12 January 2009 (if the leaver obtained the qualification between 1 January 2008 and 31 July 2008).<br /><br />Employment <br /><br />Employment only includes those graduates who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance), part-time paid work, voluntary or unpaid work, and who were not also in study, training or research. <br /><br />Full-time employment only includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance) and who were not also in study, training or research. <br /><br />Combination of work and further study includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance), part-time paid work, voluntary or unpaid work, and who were also in full-time or part-time study, training or research. <br /><br />Unemployment <br /><br />Assumed to be unemployed includes those students who gave their employment circumstances as unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training, and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying. <br /><br />Further study <br /><br />Further study only includes those who gave their employment circumstances as temporarily sick or unable to work, looking after the home or family, not employed but not looking for employment, further study or training, or something else and who were also either in full-time or part-time study, training or research, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month or unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training and who were also in full-time study, training or research.[Filter]
Activity 1
[Collapse]Subject studied[Filter]
Subject studied 1
[Collapse]AllClick here to sortAll
Click here to sortAssumed to be unemployedAssumed to be unemployed includes those students who gave their employment circumstances as unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training, and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month and who were also either in part-time study, training or research or not studying.Click here to sortExplicit refusalClick here to sortFull-time paid workFull-time employment only includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance) and who were not also in study, training or research.Click here to sortFurther studyFurther study only includes those who gave their employment circumstances as temporarily sick or unable to work, looking after the home or family, not employed but not looking for employment, further study or training, or something else and who were also either in full-time or part-time study, training or reserach, plus those who were due to start a job within the next month or unemployed and looking for employment, further study or training and who were also in full-time study, training or research.Click here to sortNon-ResponseClick here to sortNot available for employmentClick here to sortOtherClick here to sortPart-time paid workClick here to sortVoluntary/unpaid workClick here to sortWork and studyCombination of work and further study includes those who reported that they were in full-time paid work (including self-employed/freelance), part-time paid work, voluntary or unpaid work, and who were also in full-time or part-time study, training or research.
AllMedicine & dentistry555351526010*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication30*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication55915
Subjects allied to medicine55501,41570455355250151702,515
Biological science175458355405258515375602752,930
Veterinary science.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Agriculture & related subjects201090457020525535325
Physical science9020385255220351011020851,230
Mathematical science20590704510510*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication35285
Computer science7540325120205105651570920
Engineering and technology805566015531020*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication7051801,535
Architecture, building & planning35103107012510530580690
Social studies100457201804354515210351551,935
Business & administrative studies135659401755607010165152502,380
Mass communications and documentation5020295301802051001530745
Historical & philosophical studies901535017523055517540851,225
Creative arts & design2401007302304858530345551852,485
Combined5*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication15158515*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication5*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication10155


EDUC0093: Destination of HE qualifiers from Welsh HEIs by activity and subject studied

Last update:October 2012

Was added to StatsWales: October 2012

Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales by: September 2013 (provisional)

Source: HESA



The Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey was introduced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for qualifiers from the 2002/03 academic year onwards. The survey replaces the former First Destination Supplement with coverage increased to include part-time students and more detailed questions on the destinations of leavers.The survey only provides a snapshot at about six months after graduation and does not reflect long term outcomes of HE qualifiers. HESA are currently planning a longitudinal survey of graduates.

Further information on the destinations of qualifiers from across the UK is available in the HESA publication Destination of Leavers from Higher Education.


The HESA Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education target population for 2010/11 contains all United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) domiciled students reported to HESA for the reporting period 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011 as obtaining relevant qualifications and whose study was full-time or part-time (including sandwich students for full time and those writing-up theses for part time).

Relevant qualifications for inclusion in the DLHE return are postgraduate degrees, postgraduate diplomas and certificates, Postgraduate Certificates in Education (PGCE), first degrees (excludes intercalated degrees), Diplomas of Higher Education (DipHE), Certificates of Higher Education (CertHE), foundation degrees, Higher National Diplomas (HND) or Higher National Certificates (HNC). The population for the DLHE return does not necessarily represent the full cohort graduating during the reporting period; examples of those excluded are professional qualifications (e.g. associate membership or membership of a body such as the Institute of Bankers) and undergraduate diplomas and certificates (other than foundation degrees, HND, DipHE, HNC and CertHE).


The presentation of figures in this table follow the principles of the current HESA rounding strategy. The strategy is intended to prevent the disclosure of personal information about any individual. A summary of the strategy is as follows:

1. Numbers 0, 1, 2 are rounded to 0 and are represented as '*'.

2. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 5.

So for example 3 is represented as 5, 22 is represented as 20, 3286 is represented as 3285 while 20, 55, 3510 remain unchanged.

Total figures are also subject to this rounding methodology; the consequence of which is that the sum of numbers in each row or column may not match the total shown precisely.

Percentage less than 0.5 per cent are represented by '-'.

