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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Country of work of employed qualifiers by country of original domicile

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Gender 1[Filter]
[Collapse]LevelLevel of qualification obtained[Filter]
Level 1[Filter]
[Collapse]ModeFull-time includes full-time and sandwich study, plus those writing-up theses following full-time study.<br /><br />Part-time includes part-time study, full-time  on courses lasting less than 24 weeks, block release or studying during the evenings, plus those writing-up theses following part-time study.<br />[Filter]
Mode 1[Filter]
MeasureNumber or percentage of known responses.[Filtered]
[Collapse]DomicileCountry of ordinary residence prior to entering Higher Education. [Filter]
Domicile 1
[Collapse]DestinationLocation of employment. This field describes the location of the HE leaver\'s place of work. Data is supplied to HESA in the form of postcodes for employment in the UK or country codes. Postcodes are mapped to unitary authorities, government office regions and UK countries using the National Statistics Gridlink® ‘All Fields\’ Postcode Directory (AFPD). Countries are mapped to geographical regions following consultation with the Department for Education and Skills. [Filter]
[Collapse]Destination 1
Destination 2
[Collapse]AllClick here to sortAll
Click here to sortWalesClick here to sortEnglandClick here to sortScotlandClick here to sortNorthern IrelandClick here to sortChannel IslandsClick here to sortIsle of ManClick here to sortUnited Kingdom unknown (excluding Channel Islands and IoM)
All[Expand]Wales10,7451,83045305*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication5512,715
EnglandNorth East4511,015175135551011,385
North West55528,38525030510202029,540
Yorkshire and the Humber11019,615130905102519,985
East Midlands11015,9401055510*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication1516,235
West Midlands32020,84011060552021,365
South East34032,5503101453556533,450
South West58019,815160852554520,715
England region unknown702,93070100*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication553,180
[Expand]Northern Ireland5135306,390*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication106,570
[Expand]Channel Islands and Isle of Man10951010325145*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication595
[Expand]United Kingdom unknown155251510*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication570
[Expand]Other EU1202,57025523555503,235
[Expand]Other Overseas1953,990460485105305,175
[Expand]Not Known201,09010550*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication1,270


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