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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Indicator data by Economic Regions - All Domains
[Collapse]IndicatorInformation on the sources and reference periods of each WIMD indicator can be found in the WIMD 2019 Technical report.[Filter]
Indicator 1
[Collapse]Economic Regions[Filter]
Economic Regions 1
Area Code[Filtered]
[Collapse]Income[Collapse]Employment[Collapse]Health[Collapse]Education[Collapse]Access To services[Collapse]Housing[Collapse]Physical Environment	Data are only available at LSOA level for the air quality, flood risk and ambient green space indicators.[Collapse]Community Safety
Click here to sortPeople in income deprivation (%)Click here to sortWorking-age people in employment deprivation (%)Click here to sortGP-recorded chronic condition (rate per 100)	We have adjusted the data slightly to account for Welsh residents registered with primary care providers in England and not captured in the data recorded by Welsh GPs.Click here to sortLimiting long-term illness (rate per 100)Click here to sortPremature death (rate per 100,000)Click here to sortGP-recorded mental health condition (rate per 100)	We have adjusted the data slightly to account for Welsh residents registered with primary care providers in England and not captured in the data recorded by Welsh GPs.Click here to sortCancer incidence (rate per 100,000)Click here to sortLow birth weight (live single births less than 2.5kg) (%)Click here to sortChildren aged 4-5 who are obese (%)Indicator data on Children aged 4-5 who are obese (%) has been supressed at the LSOA and BUA level.Click here to sortFoundation Phase Average Point ScoreClick here to sortKey Stage 2 average point scoreClick here to sortKey Stage 4 average point scoreClick here to sortRepeat Absenteeism (%)Click here to sortKey Stage 4 leavers entering Higher Education (%)Click here to sortAdults aged 25-64 with no qualifications (%)Click here to sort% Unavailability of broadband at 30Mb/sClick here to sortAverage public return travel time to a pharmacy (minutes)Click here to sortAverage public return travel time to a food shop (minutes)Click here to sortAverage public return travel time to a GP surgery (minutes)Click here to sortAverage public return travel time to a post office (minutes)Click here to sortAverage public return travel time to a primary school (minutes)Click here to sortAverage public return travel time to a public library (minutes)Click here to sortAverage public return travel time to a sports facility (minutes)Click here to sortAverage public return travel time to a secondary school (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a pharmacy (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a food shop (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a GP surgery (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a post office (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a primary school (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a public library (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a sports facility (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a secondary school (minutes)Click here to sortAverage private return travel time to a petrol station (minutes)Click here to sortPeople in overcrowded households (%)Click here to sortLikelihood of poor quality housing (%)Click here to sortLikelihood of housing containing serious hazards (%)Click here to sortLikelihood of housing being in disrepair (%)Click here to sortPopulation Weighted Average Concentration Value for Nitrogen DioxideClick here to sortPopulation Weighted Average Concentration Value for Particulates < 10 µmClick here to sortPopulation Weighted Average Concentration Value for Particulates < 2.5 µmClick here to sortHouseholds at risk of flooding scoreClick here to sortProximity to accessible natural green space score (% of households)Click here to sortAmbient Green Space ScoreClick here to sortPolice recorded criminal damage (rate per 100)Click here to sortPolice recorded violent crime (rate per 100)Click here to sortAnti-Social Behaviour (rate per 100)Click here to sortPolice recorded burglary (rate per 100)Click here to sortPolice recorded theft (rate per 100)Click here to sortFire incidences (rate per 100)
[Collapse]Wales161014.322.7382.423.2611.95.511.8104871195.429.919.46.938324036324555527476410101185.5319.718.03.2.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable77.0.The data item is not applicable1.142.672.550.980.530.38
Wales[Expand]North Wales14913.720.6371.823.6621.45.612.1104871195.228.917.38.441344237344859548486411101185.3820.618.93.1.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable77.4.The data item is not applicable1.143.122.440.960.340.31
[Expand]Mid and South West Wales151013.822.7368.421.6592.85.211.9103861215.229.918.510.551425347415673658596511111384.9221.419.73.4.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable69.2.The data item is not applicable0.932.202.540.720.370.38
[Expand]South East Wales171114.923.8397.624.0620.35.511.7104871175.630.420.83.8282430282736414453554881075.9618.216.53.2.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable81.7.The data item is not applicable1.272.742.601.150.710.42



WIMD Indicator Data – Economic Region Analysis

Last update

19/12/2019 19/12/2019

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Welsh Government economic regions

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

The data here is for the underlying indicators that feed into the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD).

WIMD is the Welsh Government’s official measure of relative deprivation for small areas in Wales. It is designed to identify small areas where there are the highest concentrations of several different types of deprivation.

The full index is only updated every 4 to 5 years but many of the indicators are updated in the interim period and some are updated annually.

All indicators are available down to Lower Super Output Area level. This is a geography that is built from census data – it aims to outline small areas with a population between 1,000 and 3,000 people. However, on this page the data only goes down to Economic Region.

Data collection and calculation

There are various different methods for the different indicators – please see the WIMD 2019 Technical Report on the weblinks tab for more information.

Data reference periods

The reference periods differ across the indicators - please see the WIMD 2019 Technical Report on the weblinks tab for more information.

Users, uses and context

Please see the WIMD 2019 Publication on the weblinks tab for more information on users and uses and context.

Rounding applied

Please see the WIMD 2019 Technical Report on the weblinks tab for more information.

Statistical quality

For the information relating to statistical quality please see the WIMD 2019 Technical Report and the WIMD 2019 Publication on the weblinks tab.

Weblinks -Note that the indicator guidance on this page relates to WIMD 2014, some of which will still be relevant. WIMD 2019 Indicator guidance will be updated in January 2020.


WIMD 2019; Multiple Deprivation; Deprivation; Social Inclusion; Economic Region: Indicators; Income; Employment; Health; Education; Access to Services: Housing; Community Safety; Physical Environment

