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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Indicator data by Rural/Urban-Classifications - Pupils who were repeat absentees
IndicatorThis data on Repeat Absenteeism is based on a measure which includes pupils who have been absent for at least 15 per cent of half day sessions. This is not to be confused with the measure for Persistent absenteeism, which includes pupils who have been absent for at least 20 per cent of half day sessions. [Filtered]
Area Code[Filter]
Age group[Filter]
Click here to sortPrimary SchoolClick here to sortSecondary School
Large Town (Less Sparse)15.5730.81
Small Town and Fringe (Less Sparse)13.6129.60
Village, Hamlet and Isolated Dwellings (Less Sparse)8.4420.59
Large town (Sparse)13.4631.27
Small Town and Fringe (Sparse)12.6325.35
Village, Hamlet and Isolated Dwellings (Sparse)7.6718.59


General description

The repeat absenteeism data is the percentage of pupils missing 15 per cent or more of school sessions. Data are based on all pupils of statutory school age attending a state maintained school.

Data collection and calculation

Please see the WIMD 2014 Technical Report on the weblinks tab for more information.

Data reference periods

Please see WIMD: A guide to analysing indicator data on the weblinks tab for more information.

Users, uses and context

Please see the WIMD 2014 Publication on the weblinks tab for more information on users and uses and context.

Rounding applied

Disclosure control is applied by Welsh Government.


Repeat Absenteeism data - Rural Urban

Last update

13 December 2017 13 December 2017

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC), Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Lower-layer super output areas

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

For the information relating to statistical quality please see the WIMD 2014 Technical Report and the WIMD 2014 Publication on the weblinks tab.


WIMD 2014; Multiple Deprivation; Deprivation; Social Inclusion; Indicators; LA; Local Authority; Income; Employment; Health; Education; Community Safety; Housing; Physical Environment; Access to Services

