- Weblinks
- Statistical quality information
- Summary information
- High level information
- Keywords
- Open Data
The WIMD webpage: http://gov.wales/statistics-and-research/welsh-index-multiple-deprivation/?lang=enThe WIMD indicators webpage: http://gov.wales/statistics-and-research/welsh-index-multiple-deprivation-indicator-data/?lang=en
The WIMD 2014 Publication: http://gov.wales/docs/statistics/2014/141126-wimd-2014-en.pdf
The WIMD 2014 Technical report http://gov.wales/docs/statistics/2014/141218-wimd-2014-technical-en.pdf
WIMD: A guide to analysing indicator data: http://gov.wales/docs/statistics/2017/170413-wimd-indicator-data-guidance-en.pdf
Statistical quality
For the information relating to statistical quality please see the WIMD 2014 Technical Report and the WIMD 2014 Publication on the weblinks tab.General description
Income deprivation consists of a single composite indicator calculated from the following elements.a) Income-Related Benefit claimants
b) certain Tax Credit recipients
c) Supported Asylum Seekers
d) certain Universal Credit claimants
It sums claimants and dependent children for each element, and then divides this by the total resident population for the geography group considered.