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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Percentage of all individuals, children, working-age adults and pensioners living in relative income poverty for countries and regions in the UK between financial year ending (FYE) 1995 and FYE 2023 (averages of 3 financial years)
YearEstimates for periods which span the financial year ending (FYE) 2021 do not include the data collected during FYE 2021 in calculations. For the latest two periods shown, estimates formerly calculated as 3 to 5 year rolling averages are based on 2 to 4 year rolling averages that omit the FYE 2021 survey data.[Filtered]
Click here to sortFYE 2002 to FYE 2004Click here to sortFYE 2003 to FYE 2005Click here to sortFYE 2004 to FYE 2006Click here to sortFYE 2005 to FYE 2007Click here to sortFYE 2006 to FYE 2008Click here to sortFYE 2007 to FYE 2009Click here to sortFYE 2008 to FYE 2010Click here to sortFYE 2009 to FYE 2011Click here to sortFYE 2010 to FYE 2012Click here to sortFYE 2011 to FYE 2013Click here to sortFYE 2012 to FYE 2014Click here to sortFYE 2013 to FYE 2015Click here to sortFYE 2014 to FYE 2016Click here to sortFYE 2015 to FYE 2017Click here to sortFYE 2016 to FYE 2018Click here to sortFYE 2017 to FYE 2019Click here to sortFYE 2018 to FYE 2020Click here to sortFYE 2019 to FYE 2021Click here to sortFYE 2020 to FYE 2022Click here to sortFYE 2021 to FYE 2023
[Collapse]All individualsPercentage of all individuals living in households with an income below 60 per cent of the median household income for the UKUnited Kingdom2221212122222222212121212122222222222221
Northern Ireland.The data item is not applicable20202020192121212021212020181918181617
North East2424232324252422212122222223242425262521
North West2322222324242323232222222223232222212325
Yorkshire and the Humber2322222223232324232221222222222424252323
East Midlands2222212222222221201920202121211920202320
West Midlands2423232324252525232323232424242425252727
East of England1818181819202019181818181819191919181818
South East1817171819191817171818181818191919191919
South West2119191919202020201918181919191919191919
[Collapse]ChildrenPercentage of children living in households with an income below 60 per cent of the median household income for the UKUnited Kingdom2929292930313029282727282829303030303030
Northern Ireland.The data item is not applicable26272525252726262425252626242524252223
North East3334323333343331272826262832343437403530
North West3230313134333331313030293031323131303437
Yorkshire and the Humber3130303031323232302927282930303133363129
East Midlands2827272830292925252324252829282527273330
West Midlands3231313235353634312929303334343435353839
East of England2323232425262625232323242526272726252423
South East2222222525262422222223242426252524242525
South West2726252526262625242424262524252526262727
[Collapse]Working-age adultsPercentage of working-age adults living in households with an income below 60 per cent of the median household income for the UKUnited Kingdom1919192020212121212121212121212121212020
Northern Ireland.The data item is not applicable18181717171819212021212019171817171516
North East2121212223232422222223232324232324252420
North West2019202122222223232222222222222120192022
Yorkshire and the Humber2120202021212223232322222222212323252221
East Midlands1919192020212122212021202120201819192118
West Midlands2020202223232424232323232322222223242525
East of England1516161717181918181717171818191818171616
South East1515151617171716171818171717181918181718
South West1717171718191920201919181818181919191818
[Collapse]PensionersPercentage of pensioners living in households with an income below 60 per cent of the median household income for the UKUnited Kingdom23211817181716151414131414151616171718(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.17
Northern Ireland.The data item is not applicable20191919201918161515141413131212121514
North East2219161718181714121011131414151416161917
North West2321191918171514131212121414161618191818
Yorkshire and the Humber2319171718191717161413131416171717161920
East Midlands2522212021191815141312131314131415171815
West Midlands2623191817161515151414141616171718181817
East of England2321171616181615131314131313141415141717
South East2219161516161514141414141313141416161817
South West2219161617171515141212131414151515151515



Households Below Average Income

Last update

March 2024 March 2024

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Households Below Average Income, Family Resources Survey, Department for Work and Pensions

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage

UK regions

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Social Inclusion; HBAI; Income; Poverty

General description

This table presents data on all people, children, working-age adults and pensioners living in households that have a household income below 60 per cent of the UK median household income before and after housing costs are paid.

Data collection and calculation

The data was provided by the Department of Work and Pensions Households Below Average Income Team

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Figures shown are 3 year moving averages. Figures cover Great Britain to FYE 2001 to FYE 2004 and the United Kingdom from FYE 2003 to FYE 2005.

Users, uses and context

See the link on the Weblinks tab

Rounding applied

See the link on the Weblinks tab

Revisions information

For the FYE 2020 publication, a minor methodological revision was made to the HBAI data series by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to capture all income from child maintenance. This resulted in more income from child maintenance being included, in turn slightly increasing some household incomes and so tending to slightly reduce low income rates for families with children. The full back series (back to FYE 1995) was revised so that comparisons over time are on a consistent basis across the full time series. In terms of the impact of these revisions, in most cases the percentages of people in low income were unchanged rounded to the nearest percentage point.

Statistical quality

Note 1. FYE 2021 estimates are unreliable as they are based on data collected during the first year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, when lockdown rules severely disrupted the data collection.

Note 2: Data collection during the financial year ending (FYE) 2022 was via telephone interviewing as opposed to the established face to face method used prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Although we have assessed the FYE 2022 data quality to be robust enough for publication, there remains some residual bias in the survey sample resulting from the change in survey mode. More information on data quality is available in the DWP technical report which accompanies the release of the FYE 2022 statistics.

Note 3: The survey asks respondents what they consider to be their ethnic origin. Individuals have been classified according to the ethnic group of the household reference person which means that information about households of multiple ethnicities is lost. Sampled numbers within smaller ethnic minority groups in Wales are small, and for this reason it is necessary to group some into an overarching "Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Group" category, and to present analysis as five-year averages. The White category includes White – Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Ireland/British and any other White background including Gypsy and Irish Travellers.

Note 4: Disabled people are identified as those who report any physical or mental health condition(s) or illness(es) that last or are expected to last 12 months or more, and which limit their ability to carry out day-to-day activities a little, or a lot. This is in line with Equality Act definition. The means of identifying people with a disability has changed over time, and data before financial year ending 2013 are not comparable with current data.

Note 5: Some pensioners live as a couple with a partner of working age and therefore the age of the head of household will be under 65.

Note 6: The pensioner couple category will include some working age adults who live as a couple with a partner of pension age.

See the link on the Weblinks tab