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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Child poverty targets by indicator and year

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

[Collapse]IndicatorThe indicaors used to measure child poverty in Wales were revised in November 2010. See the Eradicating Child Poverty: Milestones and Targets Update November 2010 for a full description of the changes, and the individual indicator notes for a brief description. Not all indicators used have data at local authority level. [Filter]
Indicator 1
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[Collapse]INCOME POVERTY#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data
INCOME POVERTYChildren living in workless householdsIndicator: Percentage of children living in workless households. Source: Annual Population Survey. Updated: January 2011. Next update: September 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available31.827.224.821.523.233.9..|The data item is not available
Lone parents in employmentIndicator: Percentage of lone parents in employment. Source: Annual Population Survey. Updated: January 2011. Next update: September 2011. All figures are three year averages, for example, the data under the year 2007 refers to a three year average between 2005-2007. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available49.053.054.854.2..|The data item is not available
Working age adults with basic skills in literacyIndicator: Percentage of working age adults with level 1 or above functional basic skills in literacy. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: National Survey of Adult Basic Skills in Wales. Updated: January 2011. Next update: Winter 2011. Baseline year: 2004...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
Working age adults with basic skills in numeracyIndicator: Percentage of working age adults with level 1 or above functional basic skills in numeracy. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: National Survey of Adult Basic Skills. Updated: January 2011. Next update: Winter 2011. Baseline year: 2004...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
Qualification equivalent to an NQF 2 or aboveIndicator: Percentage of adults of working age qualified to at least NQF level 2. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: Annual Population Survey: Qualification Levels. Updated: January 2011. Next update: July 2011. Baseline year: 2006. Data have previously been presented as NVQ equivalencies. From September 2004, the National Qualification Framework (NQF) was expanded and the former levels 4 and 5 were divided into more precise levels (4-8). Data are now presented according to this classification. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available46.948.047.152.352.054.160.761.760.0..|The data item is not available
Qualification equivalent to an NQF 3 or aboveIndicator: Percentage of adults of working age qualified to at least NQF level 3. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: Annual Population Survey: Qualification Levels. Updated: January 2011. Next update: July 2011. Baseline year: 2006. Data have previously been presented as NVQ equivalencies. From September 2004, the National Qualification Framework (NQF) was expanded and the former levels 4 and 5 were divided into more precise levels (4-8). Data are now presented according to this classification. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available25.625.726.128.429.029.835.937.135.3..|The data item is not available
Qualification equivalent to an NQF 4 or aboveIndicator: Percentage of adults of working age qualified to at least NQF level 4. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: Annual Population Survey: Qualification Levels. Updated: January 2011. Next update: July 2011. Baseline year: 2006 Data have previously been presented as NVQ equivalencies. From September 2004, the National Qualification Framework (NQF) was expanded and the former levels 4 and 5 were divided into more precise levels (4-8). Data are now presented according to this classification. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available11.411.610.413.314.113.216.718.219.3..|The data item is not available
Overall credit union membershipIndicator: Adult Credit Union Membership. Source: Financial Services Authority Credit Union Statistics. Updated January 2011. Next update: October 2011. Baseline year: 2006. Further notes: Data shows the total number of adult credit union members...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available16108290282350..|The data item is not available
Junior credit union membershipIndicator: Junior Credit Union Membership. Source: Financial Services Authority Credit Union Statistics. Updated January 2011. Next update: October 2011. Baseline year: 2006. Further notes: Data shows the total number of junior credit union members. Local authority breakdown of this indicator is only available from 2007 onwards...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available00120..|The data item is not available
[Collapse]EARLY YEARSChild care placesIndicator: Number of places in day care services for children under the age of eight in Wales. Source: Care Services in Wales Annual Report: Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). Updated: January 2011. Next update: February 2011...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available527526624650..|The data item is not available
[Collapse]EDUCATION#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data
EDUCATIONPupils achieving Key Stage 2 Core Subject IndicatorIndicator: Percentage of pupils achieving Key Stage 2 Core Subject Indicator (Welsh or English, maths and science in combination) through teacher assessment by the age of 11. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: School Statistics (National Curriculum Assessments). Updated: January 2011. Next update: August 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available53.157.961.660.059.368.168.069.769.470.369.2
Pupils achieving Key Stage 3 Core Subject IndicatorIndicator: Percentage of pupils achieving Key Stage 3 Core Subject Indicator (Welsh or English, maths and science in combination) through teacher assessment by the age of 14. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: School Statistics (National Curriculum Assessments). Updated: January 2011. Next update: August 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available36.043.343.644.451.147.946.843.647.349.050.4
15 year olds achieving the Core Subject IndicatorIndicator: Percentage of 15 year olds achieving the Core Subject Indicator (Welsh or English, maths and science in combination) (Key Stage 4). Source: Welsh Assembly Government Schools Statistics: GCSE/GNVQ and GCE A, AS and AVCE Results in Wales. Updated: January 2011. Next update: November 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available25.129.622.829.726.527.632.829.230.536.034.9
Pupils aged 15 achieving Level 2 threshold including English/Welsh and MathsIndicator: Percentage of pupils aged 15 achieving 5 or more GCSE A* - C or equivalent. Source: Welsh Assembly Government Schools Statistics: GCSE/GNVQ and GCE A, AS and AVCE Results in Wales. Updated: January 2011. Next updated: November 2011. Baseline year: 2006. Note that from 2006 onwards this indicator is measured by the percentage of pupils who have achieved the Level 2 Threshold. This measure includes all qualifications that are approved for use, and is defined as the volume of qualifications at Level 2 equivalent to the volume of 5 GCSEs at Grade A*-C. Previously this indicator included a narrower set of qualifications. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available31.236.235.8
Pupils leaving school with no approved qualificationIndicator: Percentage of pupils (aged 15) leaving full time education without an approved or recognised qualification. Source: Welsh Assembly Government Schools Statistics: Pupils leaving Education With No Qualifications. Updated: January 2011. Next updated: December 2011. Baseline year: 2006...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available3.|The data item is not available
16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEETS)Indicator: Percentage of 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEETS). Source: Welsh Assembly Government Statistical Directorate (Using data from Office for National Statistics, HESA, WAG, Annual Population Survey). Updated: January 2011. Next update: July 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication..|The data item is not available
[Collapse]HEALTHChildhood obesityIndicator: Percentage of obese children (does not include overweight children). Source: Welsh Health Survey. Updated: January 2011. Next update: Summer 2011. Baseline year not yet set. A new system for measuring children in Wales which will produce more robust statistics is in progress - data from this process is expected in late 2011...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
[Collapse]SAFE HOME AND COMMUNITY#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data#Sub-heading only - no data
SAFE HOME AND COMMUNITYNumber of children who are killed or seriously injured in road accidentsIndicator: Number of children killed or seriously injured casualties. Source: Welsh Assembly Government: Road Casualties in Wales. Updated: January 2011. Next update: June 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic.11149843147763..|The data item is not available
Families living in B&B accommodationIndicator: Number of families with dependent children who are living in B&B accommodation. Source: Welsh Assembly Government Statistics Release: Homelessness. Updated: January 2011. Next update: September 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available000000
Families living in temporary accommodationIndicator: Number of families with dependent children who are living in temporary accommodation. Source: Welsh Assembly Government Statistics Release: Homelessness. Updated: January 2011. Next update: March 2011. Baseline year: 2006. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available763625
Families living in overcrowded conditionsIndicator: Number of families with dependent children who are living in overcrowded conditions (defined by the Bedroom Standard). Source: Living in Wales Survey and National Survey for Wales. Updated: January 2011. Next update: November 2012. Baseline year: 2007. This indicator is a National Statistic...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication*The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication..|The data item is not available*,....|The data item is disclosive or not sufficiently robust for publication,The data item is not available


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